I have now added comments to my blog. Please do not comment on this post, though.

There Are Still Some Standards

In case one day you suddenly wondered if you can orchestrate a sex act in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, broadcast the results, and then still keep your jobs as a radio show host, the answer is no.

The slippery slope back towards Puritanism has begun.

Canadians Must Be For Slavery

Canadian gun registration laws are going to ruin a civil war reenactment that’s to take place near Toronto. Canada (our local Europe) would have forced the visiting Americans to pay a fee and register their muskets. Of course, the Americans were like, “Funk that!” and have decided not to attend rather than pay for their God-given right. In reality, though, hundreds of Americans with muskets could easily reenact whatever they want wherever they want in Canada.

Best Image Ever

John Hawkins has found a .jpg of one of the funniest images from the last season of the Simpsons. It was on a t-shirt Homer wore to Brazil (“How could you tell I’m an American?”) and should be the standard attire for all Americans going abroad.

Was the Word “Snarky” Invented Just to Describe Her?

Josh Chafetz at OxBlog has thoroughly ripped apart Maureen Dowd’s latest column, so much though that I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. I once tried reading one of her columns and that instantly removed all sympathy. Dowd bashing has become a conservative pastime; she’s like the Carrot-Top of the right-wing. So in answer to Chafetz’s question of why she hasn’t been fired, I bet it’s because she’s gained a huge readership who can’t wait to read her next column to see how horrible it is. It’s so bad it’s entertaining, like Plan Nine from Outerspace, Roadhouse, or about anything written in The Nation.

There Wouldn’t be Forest Fires If We Didn’t Have Forests

Bush wants to ease logging restrictions to stop wildfires. Just a couple days ago I was talking about the dangers of trees and I forgot all about their tendency to burn and kill people. Trees are the only living creature other than man that uses fire, and they always use it for evil. Why do I seem to be the only person noticing this and condemning trees? Sure, they’re nice when they’re tamed by by being turned into coffee tables and rifle butts, but, in the wild, them things are dangerous.