I’m Still New to Blogging

I was just reading the latest issue of National Review On Dead Tree, and the parody of an O’Reilly interview in the The Long View is hilarious. So how do you link to things that are only in print but not on the web? Or is it verboten for a blog to speak of something that is not on the web?

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

In case you were wondering if you can kill cats with a shotgun and not be convicted under animal cruelty laws in Maryland, the answer is yes.

Note: The official policy of the IMAO website is to oppose animal cruelty. This policy may change at anytime without notice.

Will We Ever Have Another Worthy Rival?

I was reading this article about Putin meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (is he not the funniest looking dictator ever?) and started thinking of the good old day, the 80’s. The Soviet Union was the last country that actually dared to stand against America. For the longest time, we had a worthy rival, but, the Soviet Union collapsed when Reagan started being mean to them and now Russia is just a pathetic, quasi-European country that wants aid and everyone to like it. America no longer has any rival really worth fearing; instead, we have a bunch of terrorist retards who only through mass delusion think they can take us on and a bunch of other silly little dictators (some of them scared of planes) yearning for the old days when they were feared and didn’t even need to stage phony-election to impress the U.N. Hell, if the whole rest of the world tried to take us on at once, I doubt the war would last a week before they all surrendered (France would probably lead the way on that initiative). Has America really defeated so much evil in the world that it’s just clean up now? I just hope a comet heads for us or something, because it was so much easier to appreciate the good ‘ole U.S. when one actually thought it could be destroyed.


The spell check that comes with Blogger Pro does not have blog or blogging in it. It also doesn’t have Casull.

Theological Question

Now that I have comments, I have a question for viewers of the site: what kind of gun do you think God carries? I used to think in my younger years that he would have some fancy high-tech semi-automatic, but, as I’ve grown older, I’ve moved more the opinion that he would carry a six shot revolver, probably a high caliber like a .44 magnum or .454 Casull. My thinking is it would have a chrome finish but not have a bunch of fancy extras (like the revolver in XXX; man, that gun kicked ass!). I tried to consult the Bible on this issue, but it barely ever references firearms in it.

Blog TV

Blogging is like the coolest thing on the internet now (at least according to people with blogs), but I missed out coming up with the idea. So, instead, I will just apply the idea to new mediums. First I’m going to try and figure how to fit blogging into television broadcast. Maybe it would be a channel with Glenn Reynolds sitting in front of the camera all day and occasionally saying something. Or maybe instead it would be a tv show that keeps telling you to watch other tv shows. Well whatever it is, when I finish the idea I need someone to send me millions of dollars.