All the Good Ideas Are Already Taken

I thought I was being original when I suggested to nuke the moon, but, it ends up upon further research that this was something considered way back in 1950’s. Unfortunately, they wussed out and thus we suffered the Cold War.

If Security is Their First Priority, I Don’t Even Want to Know How Their Second Priority Turned Out

Another day, another security hole found in a Microsoft product. I’d switch my computer to linux, but I’m a lazy, lazy man. I wonder what the chances are that Microsoft’s Palladium isn’t going to be a complete disaster. When it comes out and companies start switching to it, I’m going to start stocking up just like I did for Y2K.

Killing Terrorists is Fun and Educational

The U.S. Army has released their computer game America’s Army and it’s causing controversy. As I once mentioned before, I think it’s really cool that I’m finally getting something useful for my tax money, but people are worried it might also be a bad influence. “Very, very impressionable” younger kids may be led into thinking… actually there is no elaboration of what they worry the kids may be impressioned into. Are people worried they may learn that violence in the defense of freedom is okay? I knew that when I was four, and back then videogames weren’t realistic at all since pixels were as big as my fist. The Nation, which is also against anything that is fun and cool, has a special report (I think you need to have gone to the “special” classes at school to write a special report) on how the game is going to convince people that “war is fun” (who hasn’t already learned that from movies?) and trick them into joining the military. Exactly what’s wrong with that, they don’t say (or I missed reading it; I have a very short attention span).

I think this is cause for an IMAO special investigative report. I have just downloaded America’s Army and will play it to see if it convinces me to leave my cushy job and join the Army. I will also soon investigate Super Mario Sunshine to see if it does the same.