Link of the Day

I just really got into blogging recently, and I didn’t realize there was so much stuff worth reading out there. Still, I noticed I don’t link that often to other people’s blogs. To remedy that, I’m now going to try and pick a post from a blog each day as my link of the day. Instapundit is disqualified because everyone reads him anyway.

Today, John Hawkins’s interview with Daniel Pipes was big news, but everyone already linked to that. Also, there is a big debate at DailyPundit on Bill Quick’s decision to start posting at a the pay only Blogging Network. But, from the looks of the comments section, everyone has already read about that. Personally, I’m too new to blogging to have an opinion, but I myself am not a professional writer (like that isn’t obvious) and am thrilled just to be read by anyone at all. I will mention that I have crossed the line and paid for internet content at (I like me videogames); I liked the idea of having special access to things other people can’t read. I don’t think I can go on and keep paying for tons of different individual sites, though, so if lots of places go pay, I hope I can suscribe to a suite of sites just like you get a bunch of channels with your cable TV subscription. Oh, I guess I do have an opinion.

Oh, yeah, link of the day. The link of the day is Joanne Jacobs’s post about blogging for money and her ambivalence about the Blogging Network. It’s a bit of a downer to people hoping to blog for cash, but it’s definitely worth a read.

Legal Question

Let’s say you’re a supervillian, and you hatch some plot to block out the sun from the entire world – say by causing a nuclear winter using stolen nukes – is it then impossible to prosecute that supervillian? Blocking out the sun would affect everyone in the world, so everyone would have to excuse themselves from being a juror or a judge since everyone was personally affected by the crime. So have I found a “supervillian loophole” to our legal system that we need to correct?

Why Other Countries Hate Us = Why Other Countries Suck so Much

The State Department is going to have a two day conference on the roots of anti-Americanism. My question is: why do we care? We’re the United States of America, the most powerful entity on earth; why do we care of the opinions of a few other measly nations? Of course they hate us; we make them all seem insignificant and powerless in comparison. And I say let them hate us as they eat food given to them by American foreign aid and live in cities protected by our military interventions; we’re plenty big enough to take the hate. All we have to do is scare the piss out of them all to make sure they have the sense not to act on that hate.

Video Format Discrimination

Betamax is about to die, though I had no clue it was still living on. Back when I was a kid, my parents bought their first VCR and unfortunately chose Beta. I remember going to the video store and having to pick out a video from the smaller, segregated section of the store. For once, I understood what it was like to be an oppressed minority with seperate but unequal treatment. It was a hard and trying time until my parents finally got VHS, but, I survived, and I believe it made me the man I am today.