All Countries Not Named America Should Just Shut Up

Other countries don’t seem to like the fact that Bush didn’t attend the Johannesburg summit on whiny environmental crap. Some of the delegates have started wearing buttons that read, “What should we do with the United States?” The arrogance! To think that these puny countries actual believe they can affect a country as immense and as powerful as the United States! Do those in attendance understand how easily we could wipe out most countries? Yet we harldy ever nuke anyone, because we we’re just that kind and benevolent. All other countries should be greatful that we let them have these little U.N. dog and pony shows and pretend they have a say in anything, when, in reality, the environment will stay around just as long as it entertains us. If we grow bored of it one day, the rainforests will go up in a mushroom cloud and no one can stop us.

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