All Dogs Go to Heaven and Get 70 Virgins

As we know from airport security, terrorists are even distributed among toddlers to eighty-year-old grandmothers and thus you have to be vigilant of them all, but the U.S. Open has expanded the search to dogs as well. Bomb sniffing dogs at the stadium were forced to wear photo ID’s even though their officer escort also has to wear one. Apparently, terrorists dogs such as Omar Sparky and Mohammed Fluffy have been trying to sneak into the U.S. Open to “plant a bomb,” so to speak. If you see any suspicious dogs in your neighborhood, immediately alert the FBI.

UPDATE: I just received this statement from the National Association of Canine Americans:

“We vehemently condemn all pooping indoors, but humans have to realize that their policies of leaving dogs inside alone for hours and not supplying sufficient chew toys often makes dogs feel they have no choice but to ‘leave a surprise.'”
-Fido, President of the National Association of Canine Americans

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