Hopes for Peace

The Palestinians seem to be in a never ending war with any feelings of sympathy I may have for them. Yeah, things have to be tough living under Arafat, but when I see Palestinians cheering when Israeli kids are mudered (hell they seem to cheer when anyone is murdered) and dressing up their children in phony bombs in hopes they’ll one day blow themselves up and many others, it takes a lot of effort to think of them as fellow human beings. And I’m a lazy man. Still, I hold out some hopes that there are enough good Palestinians out there that peace can happen without razing all their homes and sowing salt in the earth. A Reuters story, though entitled “POLL-Palestinians oppose ending suicide attacks,” gives me some hope. If the numbers are to be believed, 53% of Palestinians are for the suicide bombings, but 44% want to halt them. That’s not a small number of people showing rational thought there. That means to achieve peace maybe only 53% of Palestinians need to be wiped out (plus or minus three percent) and then… I dunno… those 3% undecided pistol whipped.

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