Legal Question

Let’s say you’re a supervillian, and you hatch some plot to block out the sun from the entire world – say by causing a nuclear winter using stolen nukes – is it then impossible to prosecute that supervillian? Blocking out the sun would affect everyone in the world, so everyone would have to excuse themselves from being a juror or a judge since everyone was personally affected by the crime. So have I found a “supervillian loophole” to our legal system that we need to correct?

One Comment

  1. True…. true
    but then again what about the poeple who dont care, some people do live underground and dont come out.
    and power companies, they wouldnt care because they would become rich and invent many more life sustaining machines with that money. so yes you did find a loop hole, but one that can be easily rectified, the death sentence for anyone attempting to hurt of commit grevious harm to more than 1000, or 10,000 people, look what they are going to do when they catch osama bin laden, they’ll kill him, a 0.001 percent chance hel get life. but then people will come after him and take him down!
    thank you

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