Angry American, Whiny Englishman

John Sutherland in his column in the Guardian today writes about his worries over the popular Toby Keith song that refers to “kicking the ass” of those who attack America, saying that angry Americans are ugly Americans. Oh, the poo’ wittle Englishmun, all worried that America in its blinding rage may knock over his table of tea and crumpets! To think, that after being attacked, we are angry at our attackers! Why that’s almost like how rational human beings would react! We’re unbelievable!

Of Monkeys and Politics

If someone had a new drug that they thought could cure cancer, should they just start injecting it into people to see if it works? And I’m not talking about people agreeing to be tested on, but forcefully giving the drug to people even if they didn’t want it. Of course everyone would react in horror to something like that, but that’s exactly what politics are like. Someone comes up with some asinine new idea that no one has any clue whether it will work, and then they get it passed into law and inflicted on the masses. So why can’t we do the same thing we would do with the cancer drug and test political and economic theories on monkeys first?

As far as I know (or care to know) the only use of monkeys is to test things on them. Some people may say, “Hey. That’s cruel!” and my response to that is, “I don’t like monkeys.” But, personal feelings aside, they are the most intelligent animal other than man, which is why this idea can work. They also aren’t too far removed from people in the political area: they’re apathetic to current events just like the nation’s youths, they jump around and screech a lot just like liberals, and they don’t bathe very often just like Frenchmen. To get the project started, first a decent size island must be obtained, either purchased or taken by forced — someone else can figure that out — and then we need to get a bunch of monkeys from wherever it is people usually get monkeys — again, not my department. Then you have your island full of subjects to test out political ideas on. Have some monkeys control the monkey economy and then let each of the monkeys make their own decisions with their monkey money and see what works better. Don’t let any of the monkeys have guns, lets only the leader monkeys have guns, and then give all the monkeys guns and see what happens (observations should be done remotely). Of course, if through research we stumble upon the perfect socio-economic model, the monkeys may become too powerful to control and we could be on our way to the planet of the apes. That’s why the island should also be laden with explosives for a last ditch measure.

If you like my idea, send me millions of dollars and I’ll get started on it. I’m going to work on the explosives part first.

Saddam Hussein May Be a Murderer!

Abu Nidal, who was found dead with multiple gun shot wounds in Baghdad, may noy have committed suicide as most logical people would have thought, but instead may be the victim of murder most foul! And the alleged culprit? Saddam Hussein! If it’s found out he’s really a murderer, someone has to do something about that man!

Strangers on the Web

Spoons is getting married to someone he met through the help of Instapundit. I just hope there are plenty of other sexy females left out there in the Blogosphere.

Some People Shouldn’t Have Guns

The British have banned handguns from the citizenry, but maybe Britain would be safer if they took the guns away from the royal guards. They’ve had a number of screw-ups in the past couple years with their firearms involving accidental discharges and, just recently, losing the keys to their gun lock up so they couldn’t access them when they were needed (recent crime statistics show that criminals in Britain have not had quite so much trouble accessing their firearms). Many gun rights advocates (like myself) criticize the harsh gun laws in Europe, but now I’m beginning to think there is reason to be cautious about arming everyone there. As these goof ups and Europeans’ reaction to the war on terror have illustrated, quite a lot of people in Europe are idiots.

Is This How They’ll Run a Palestinian State?

The son of the woman recently killed for allegedly being an Israeli collaborator says he was tortured into making up a story of his mother’s involvement with a militants’s death. So how again is it going to bring peace to give the Palestinians a state when the place is run by evil murderers? I don’t know how someone can blame a travesty like this on the Israelis, but I’m sure there’s someone in is Europe smart enough to figure out that conundrum.

If She Really Is a No Talent Hack, How Come I Read Her?

Maureen Dowd has a new column out today and I thought I’d try my hand at bashing it like everyone else, but instead I’ve decided to take the road less traveled and defend her writing. I got confused early on in the editorial, though, when she made reference to how Reagan could not walk. If that’s some sort of symbolic dig at him, I don’t get it. Anyway, I gathered that the main point of her column is that Bush is more focused on jogging than doing anything substantial which is decent enough (though her column is the most I’ve ever heard of Bush jogging). The point is not the point she makes, though, it’s the technical accomplishment of it. Dowd spends most of the column taking a very negative tone towards Bush and making many of her opinion of him quite clear while barely every making an actual argument on any issue. Hell, there’s probably two sentences worth of argument in that whole column, and yet, there is a whole column! If I had her efficiency at using resources, I could write whole books using just the political arguments I come up with in one hour. Naysayers may claim that anyone could write like that, but I would then challenge them to match Dowd’s tone for an entire column. Maybe someone could do it for a few sentences, but not for a whole editorial? I doubt it. And, until you can, I’d say cut Maureen Dowd some slack.

On another note, there was some poetry in her column: “At the risk of sounding feline, I must say that ‘bovine’ leaves me supine and is not fit for ‘Nightline,’ much less ‘Frontline.'” That gave me a chuckle, though I have no clue what it means.

Realism in Computer Games

Laurence Simon has analyzed the painstaking detail the U.S. Army put into the different scenarios in the computer game America’s Army. He got the idea for the post from reading one of mine, which, by the unwritten rules of the IMAO website, means the idea is my idea. Thus, if you like the post, remember to come back and praise me for it.

All the Good Ideas Are Already Taken

I thought I was being original when I suggested to nuke the moon, but, it ends up upon further research that this was something considered way back in 1950’s. Unfortunately, they wussed out and thus we suffered the Cold War.

If Security is Their First Priority, I Don’t Even Want to Know How Their Second Priority Turned Out

Another day, another security hole found in a Microsoft product. I’d switch my computer to linux, but I’m a lazy, lazy man. I wonder what the chances are that Microsoft’s Palladium isn’t going to be a complete disaster. When it comes out and companies start switching to it, I’m going to start stocking up just like I did for Y2K.

Killing Terrorists is Fun and Educational

The U.S. Army has released their computer game America’s Army and it’s causing controversy. As I once mentioned before, I think it’s really cool that I’m finally getting something useful for my tax money, but people are worried it might also be a bad influence. “Very, very impressionable” younger kids may be led into thinking… actually there is no elaboration of what they worry the kids may be impressioned into. Are people worried they may learn that violence in the defense of freedom is okay? I knew that when I was four, and back then videogames weren’t realistic at all since pixels were as big as my fist. The Nation, which is also against anything that is fun and cool, has a special report (I think you need to have gone to the “special” classes at school to write a special report) on how the game is going to convince people that “war is fun” (who hasn’t already learned that from movies?) and trick them into joining the military. Exactly what’s wrong with that, they don’t say (or I missed reading it; I have a very short attention span).

I think this is cause for an IMAO special investigative report. I have just downloaded America’s Army and will play it to see if it convinces me to leave my cushy job and join the Army. I will also soon investigate Super Mario Sunshine to see if it does the same.

I’m Still New to Blogging

I was just reading the latest issue of National Review On Dead Tree, and the parody of an O’Reilly interview in the The Long View is hilarious. So how do you link to things that are only in print but not on the web? Or is it verboten for a blog to speak of something that is not on the web?

Kitty Kitty Bang Bang

In case you were wondering if you can kill cats with a shotgun and not be convicted under animal cruelty laws in Maryland, the answer is yes.

Note: The official policy of the IMAO website is to oppose animal cruelty. This policy may change at anytime without notice.

Will We Ever Have Another Worthy Rival?

I was reading this article about Putin meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (is he not the funniest looking dictator ever?) and started thinking of the good old day, the 80’s. The Soviet Union was the last country that actually dared to stand against America. For the longest time, we had a worthy rival, but, the Soviet Union collapsed when Reagan started being mean to them and now Russia is just a pathetic, quasi-European country that wants aid and everyone to like it. America no longer has any rival really worth fearing; instead, we have a bunch of terrorist retards who only through mass delusion think they can take us on and a bunch of other silly little dictators (some of them scared of planes) yearning for the old days when they were feared and didn’t even need to stage phony-election to impress the U.N. Hell, if the whole rest of the world tried to take us on at once, I doubt the war would last a week before they all surrendered (France would probably lead the way on that initiative). Has America really defeated so much evil in the world that it’s just clean up now? I just hope a comet heads for us or something, because it was so much easier to appreciate the good ‘ole U.S. when one actually thought it could be destroyed.


The spell check that comes with Blogger Pro does not have blog or blogging in it. It also doesn’t have Casull.