Why Other Countries Hate Us = Why Other Countries Suck so Much

The State Department is going to have a two day conference on the roots of anti-Americanism. My question is: why do we care? We’re the United States of America, the most powerful entity on earth; why do we care of the opinions of a few other measly nations? Of course they hate us; we make them all seem insignificant and powerless in comparison. And I say let them hate us as they eat food given to them by American foreign aid and live in cities protected by our military interventions; we’re plenty big enough to take the hate. All we have to do is scare the piss out of them all to make sure they have the sense not to act on that hate.


  1. U are a sick and pathetic excuse for a human being Frank. The world should recognize of US supremacy but I thnik the common Joes like yourself should be dealt with in a more undiplomatic manner. Screw the American way of protesting war. The military protects ours arrogant ways and many poeple don’t realize that they have it so good compared to other countries. I think as the rich ruling class keep everything in tap then we should be okay but now we have let morons amass great wealth like professional atheletes and entertainers. Its sick that the status quo is not being kept up by the wealthy. I feel that if you are ignorant and plain stupid you should not be allowed to enjoy all of the great things America has to offer. Do me a favor Frank wake every morning and keep putting money in my pocket.


  3. LOL Mohomad how about re-checking your own grammar and use of vocabulary haha… “there selfs”? (their selves or themselves), “Piece keepers” (peace keepers), “with is messy grammar” (with his messy grammar), “Forgett” (forget). Nice going Mohomad!!!

  4. First Frank, many COUNTRIES HATE THE US BECAUSE OF ITS FOREIGN POLICY AND MILITARY ACTION. For example, why do many Americans believe that the ‘WaR with Iraq’ will decrease terrorism and increase peace. It won’t reduce but increase attacks against Americans and the US. It is not b/c we are rich or because we have more freedom than most countries (even though we are losing our freedom each day). We support killers, we support the Israel Gov’t that kills innocent Palestinans.
    Try and understand why Palestinians blow themselves up for one sec. Get you head out of your ass for one sec and try to understand. The Palestinians have been killed, removed from there homes and displaced by the Israel Gov’t for more than 3 decades. How would you like it if some country controlled were you lived for more than 30 years. Just imagine if you were displaced and relocated and lost loved ones. Try and understand why terrorist form. I am not defending Terrorist acts, but I do understand why they occur.
    Getting back to the War Against Iraq, its a corporate War. Bush just wants the oil. Saddam had the Kurds gassed b/c the US supplied all those chemical and biological agaents. Here are some links if you do not believe me. Also, we trained like 12 Iraqi military soldiers about chemical weapons. Check it out.
    Its sad, we helped develop what now is our enemy.
    Where was the US when the Kurds were killed with Bi/Chemical Weapons. Did u know the US was still selling bio/chemical agents to Iraq. This country sure is sad, and I am sad as well b/c I live in the worlds number one terrorist country.

  5. people like Frank are the main reason why most of the world hates America – his ignorant and immature “screw you” attitude, writ large by political and corporate interests, is what led to 9/11 – like it or not, the majority of the world’s population, whilst regretting the number of people killed in those terrorist attacks, felt it was about time the America got a taste of it’s own medicine – after all, the US bombing of El Shif not long before, which resulted in the deaths of 8000(?) innocent people, doesn’t register as being of even minor importance to most Americans

  6. You’re all f***ing retarded, plain and simple. Frank, althought arrogant and egotistical, makes a fairly corroborated point. One may argue, on the other hand, that political issues such as Pax Americana come into play when questioning hatred of Americans. America has an overall interest in extreme global influence, if not to say global domination. Blargh.. Intelligence is wasted on the lot of you.

  7. People suck. Period. People have always sucked and will always suck. This trancends all national, ethnic, and religious boundaries. No body is right, people are just evil brutal selfish bastards, no more no less. That’s just the state of human nature, and it will never change. People will always be killing people for stupid selfish prideful reasons, and there’s nothing that can be done about it. If it makes you feel better about yourself to blame every on else for the sad state of affairs, then that’s certainly your prerogative, but it won’t change a damn thing.
    People suck. Period.

  8. I really want to know why other countries hate the United States. I know some countries think the us is selfish but I need to know more if you have comments please write me back I wolud really like to know.

  9. People hate America for the same reasons that many Americans hate other countries. It’s human nature to fear, distrust, and dislike any one different. Basically, people are vain, greedy, slefish, brutal assholes. Next to f***ing, hating is humanity’s favorite past-time. It hard-wired into our brains, it’s encoded in our DNA. If we didn’t all hate each other, then we wouldn’t be human. Not that that would be a bad thing. Like I said before people suck.

  10. You are nothing but a dumb cocksmoker. But the same goes for ANYBODY who lives outside of this country. The simple truth is that everybody other than Americans are simple-minded and don’t know any better than what they are given. They deserve their plight. But you are the dumbest person I have ever read an opinion about on the internet. You need to be censored, simply because you are one big f***ing moron.

  11. See, we all hate each other. Just like all peoples and all nations through history. We could be doing something constructive, but instead we’re just fighting, and that’s how every level of human interaction works. Thanks for demonstrating my point, f***tards.

  12. I disagree with douche’s interpretation of fundamental human nature. Unfortunately, all of the “f***tards” on this site ARE thoroughly prooving his point. Good work, f***tards. Douche, you strike me as a cynical fella, wouldn’t you like to work toward progressive social change? If human nature is truly that way, f***ed up and unchangeable, why should we live in this miserable f***ing world at all? There are countless daily examples of genuine altruism, granted, not nearly the level that one would find ideal. However, consider this: All behavior is subjective, there isn’t any good or bad in the universe because those are necessarily relative considerations. So, within the subjective framework of human cognition (synthesized partially through genes and partially through culture), why would we even have consciousness of those abstract concepts? Because we are a social animal, our ancestors maximized their probability for survival through cooperation and continually increased social connectedness. Those notions, sucking versus not sucking, evolved into human consciousness because they were adaptive mechanisms for survival, and survival took the form of living together and cooperating. So humans obviously have the ability to royally suck, but emprical genetic evidence also suggests a profound potential for positive social change. If you think it’s futile, how to you wake in morning, man?

  13. Peace, even in contraversy, we need to realize, that 1. if frank/ anyone is stupid, they have the right to post, make a big deal out of it? He has that right as long as the owner deems it appropriate, so an unbiased opinion is preferable to hotheadedness. Douche, in my opinion is expressing my point in an violent manner, it is shown that human nature DOES change, though, Around 300 years ago, the entire world was ruled by a group of no more than 30 beings, but now, the billions have earned the power thru clearer vision at the cost of letting others speak, so let the people have their peace.

  14. Wow, seems like Frank’s site got infested with some whiny screeching liberals. I feel the nausea already. If you don’t like the way America is, just leave it. Go to France or England like so many of the noveau rich Hollywoodese. Is it just me, or when people can’t find a point to make, they start shreddding grammar or spelling? Real nice. Alot of other countries ‘hate’ America due to the “have and have not” syndrome. We have, because we revolted and made ourselves better. They are too scared or lazy to do the same, so they don’t have. It’s very simple, really.

  15. “If you think it’s futile, how to you wake in morning, man?”
    heheheheh, because I got mine. Plus I didn’t say it’s futile, I don’t treat people like shit, and most people don’t treat me bad either. I’m just not surprised when people are shit-heads. I just go about my day whenever possible.
    “the billions have earned the power thru clearer vision at the cost of letting others speak, so let the people have their peace.”
    You really think so? Personally I think that maybe 300 people actually run things today, hell it may still be 30, just with more mid-level managers under them.
    “We have, because we revolted and made ourselves better”
    No, we have because we enslaved the blacks to work the fields so we could go kill the Indians and the Mexicans, and steal their land, giving us the industrial and financial base needed to stir up trouble in Europe (WWI, both sides armed by America, WWI Hitler’s rise to power financed by American Bankers) and then come swooping in like Superman to save the day, thus giving us an excuse for the largest military ever.
    But whatever, it’s all good, it’s basically the way power struggles have always worked. The technology changes, but the motives and tactics remain the same. All in all, the average human has it better now than they did a few centuries ago. Sure, the post-indutrial consumer culture is bland and boring, but the pre-industrial agrarian mud-grubbing culture wasn’t as exciting as some folks make it out to be (well the diseases and the ocassional grain crop tainted with hallucinogenic fungi kept folks on their toes, but really, trading that stuff in for soap was a good trade).
    Anyhoo, I think most people just need to lighten up, and catch a good buzz from time to time, and just try to enjoy life, rather than putting all their energy into making sure someone else is miserable.
    But I’m not holding my breath. Except when I take a toke of course.

  16. I think people should wake up and see that though we may be “the most powerful” it doesn’t have to stay that way. Being ignorant and full of ourselves is one way to let things get above our pretty little heads a bit faster…keep an open mind and free exchange of ideas. I think that’s one of the best things anyone can do on a personal level or otherwise. You all made…interesting arguments, some sensible and others laugable…thanks for the entertainment. Douche,you rock! But then again, you seem like one of those fellows who already knows his place. Much love to all, Bianca

  17. I will give Frank the benefit of the doubt that he was trying to create the feelings of hate that people who are not living in the US feel if they were to read what he said…in a satirical way. Most people who did not like what Frank said lambasted him by saying he is arrogant, moron, etc.
    As an imigrant from Viet Nam, I feel horribly confused. My grandparents was alive during the war. My parents were part of it. I was born 10 years after it ended. As a child I was taught to hate Americans. Then when my parents died because of the war, I got adopted into an American family. Now, do I hate the person (the American) that gave me a place in the world? Or do I forgive and forget?
    Living in this country, I enjoy all the aspects of a free country, yet somehow I still feel trap.
    I was extremely poor when I was in Vietnam. Many times I went the whole day without a decent meal.
    However, it seem to me that the power that the US has, is somehow going to be it’s downfall. How many people do you see that actually enjoy life? How many people do you know that goes to work and say, “I’m going to work because I love my job.” Or “If I don’t work, who’s going to pay the bills?” There are a lot of people who have jobs that they love, but how many?
    Why are there so many unemployed people? Why are there so many hungry people? Why are there so many orphans?
    You cannot clean your neighbor’s garden if you cannot cut the weeds in yours.
    Much love for every single being in this world– U feek your pain!—-Anna

  18. I am Canadian, and I know perfectly well why so many people, including a great many in my own insignificant, pissant country hate the USA: envy. Envy, envy, envy. They all want to be like the USA, powerful, free, creative, and loads of fun, but they can’t, so they hate. It’s human nature. They don’t even have the courage or honesty to admit it’s envy, instead they whine about smokescreen garbage like foreign policy and arrogance. They claim the USA “isn’t free” – of course, with nothing to back that ludicrous statement up.
    They are autolobotomized imbeciles, and should be ignored at best, bombed into silence at worst.

  19. Hey, I’m just along for the ride. If we reach utopia, or even get slightly closer to it in my lifetime, great, but if it all goes down in flames, well that might be entertaining too.

  20. We’re damned either way. If we don’t make a law restricting something, and something bad happens, we’re cursed for not passing the law. If we do pass it, we’re cursed for restricting freedom. As for Iraq, Saddam murdered his own people. The people we provoke to attack us are mostly murderers. Last time we attacked Iraq, one town supported us. When we left, Saddam’s regime massacred them all. It’s no wonder the citizen’s oppose us, if they don’t they are killed. How can we as human beings allow such travesties to go on? How long before it spreads? And no the US is not after the oil, we’re letting Iraq citizens keep their oil, which we could definiatly use, but would be wrong of us to take. As for Israel and Palastine, I won’t bet my life on it, but I was told that a long time ago the Palastines attacked Israel, and the lang Israel is forcing Palastines off of was either once Israel’s or what they captured during the war. It’s a sad situation I admit.
    Yes, America might be a bit powerful, sometimes arrogent (probably just normal country pride), and have some crooked politicians. But we do our best dammit! We have programs to help the poor when we can. Maybe we have lost a few freedoms, but many of our laws are more relaxed than other countries. And yes it was wrong of us to enslave blacks, treat the Irish (which I am) and other races badly, killed Indians, and the Mexican war was wrong. But that’s all in the past, and had learned from it. From another countries point of view, things do look different. Come to the US, and see for yourself. We’re not perfect, but we’re sure as hell not evil.

  21. Oh and Anna, I love your word ‘autolobotomized’ 🙂 It’s the coolest word since gynacological (as in logically possible to have a child in a certain way. It was a pun in a Terry Pratchet book)

  22. You can’t gauge our freedom by looking at other countries, Elizabeth. Either we’re free or we’re not, there is no “more free” or “less free” there is only free or not free.

  23. HERE WE GO AGAIN!! This bullshit is whats going to end the world!! PEOPLE are going to end the world with all this “my country is better bullshit” No country is better than the other!! With all this anarchy, there is bound to be a WW3 coming up.. So get ready.. And i hope all of you bastards are as hard as you sound and dont shit your pants!!! 😉 It’ll be every country face to face..Then we can see which country is really the best!! HAHA jk

  24. All you people that think that the U.S is full of shit your pretty right we are the most hated for a reason. The truth is we do intervene but if we didnt the world would be more f***ed up then it already is. now when is it a good time to intervene? the war in iraq was a bad desicion by bush. he could not possibly be there for oil you dumbshits, if that were the truth we would be the most hated for a reason too obvious. but blood is thicker then water the real reason we are there is because bush is fighting for daddy!!!

  25. I can live with the fact that a great amount of foreigners hate america. I think that a great deal of this hate comes from jealousy and ignorance and at the same time some hate may be justified. It’s never quite black and white. However, what really pisses me off is the people (whether natural citizens or immigrants) who live in the U.S. and are always whinning about how bad and evil America is. These people are so blind, selfish, and unappreciative. What I say to these same people who whine and complain about how bad America is …why don’t you take your sorry asses out of the country right now and live or better yet I will start a charity to get your sorry asses a plane ticket out of the country so your sad ass won’t have to even pay for anything. Call it a free ride to hell idiots. I would like to see these same people who complain all the time be able to turn back the hands of time and live under the leadership of Hitler, Saddam while he was in power, or move to Columbia and live in a high drug crime state, and how about Ethiopia for a few months. The truth be told is that these people are so f***ing selfish and stupid that I don’t think that they deserve to live in America. I’m not saying that the U.S. is perfect by any means but it’s these whinny, unpatriotic assholes that sit behind their video games, drive a car, in worldy terms have a great residential place to live, quality sanitation, certain freedoms, good education system, quality roads, mediocore healthcare, etc. that piss me off. These same people want their cake and too eat it too. The bottom line is that we should all be happy as hell to have what we have in our country and too also look forward to helping other countries less fortunate. F*** these unpatriotic crybabies. Put a passifier in your mouth and get a plane ticket out of the country.

  26. “certain freedoms” ….? WTF?
    You’re either free, or you’re not free. period. no one is kind-or fee, or partially free, ya dig? I see your bottom line, DSH “you have a lot of material shit you don’t even need so shut the f*** up and ignore the criminal acts of your leaders.” Kiss my ass you ignorant greed-head peice of shit. you know absolutely nothing about freedom.

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