Link of the Day

Eugene Volokh unravels the twisted logic of a 2nd Amendment critic.

Reason Number 1457 for Invading Iraq

Experts say that Iraq has tons of chemical weapons. If we had it together though, the headline would read, “Iraq had tons of chemical weapons, as determined from trace elements found on the ash that once was Baghdad.” I hate to repeat myself (though it is easier than coming up with new stuff to say), but why haven’t we taken out Saddam yet? I mean even we don’t find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, at least we killed an evil dictator. It’s not like instead of finding evidence of bio-weapons we’ll find evidence that he secretly ran charities to fight world hunger and give puppies to orphans. “Man, do we fell bad now; we totally misjudged Saddam. Because of our unilateralism, we killed him for nothing more than wanting to help children.”

Now Mandela is getting on our case about wanting to attack Iraq. He doesn’t want us to go bombing countries on our own since we’re the only superpower and need to set an example. What the hell? That’s like saying to Superman, “Hey, don’t go flying around shooting laser out your eyes; it scares children.” What’s the point of being a superpower if we don’t throw our weight around for the cause of good? I don’t know who Mandela is, what’s his story, or where Africa is, but, if he is really concerned about the world, he should start some bake sales to get money for more American cruise missiles.

Old-Fashioned God-Off

What is it with being an atheist and pissing people off? No one is trying to kill them or imprison them, so why can’t they just be happy being a tolerated minority. But no, they feel it’s a mission from not-God to pee in everyone’s corn flakes. Michael Newdow is now trying to end tax-payer funded chaplains because he thinks it violates the establishment clause, by, I dunno, establishing a government religion of chaplin-dom or something. So what if they government believes in God? It believes the world is round too, but it’s not like jack-booted thugs will kick down your door if you believe otherwise (well, I don’t think they do; I didn’t actually looked it up). But maybe, to settle things, we could have one of those God-offs like in the the Old Testament where people prayed to their god for miracles versus God god; it could be a huge event! I guess we’d have some big American religious leaders praying for God to do stuff versus people who really really don’t believe in God praying to not-God to not do stuff. Then again, I guess it wouldn’t be that interesting; maybe it could be broadcast on ESPN2.

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There was a denial of service attack against over the weekend. Maybe if you guys wrote better comments, people wouldn’t do that. I’m just say’n…