Was Aaron Burr a Crack Dealer?

My man Eugene Volokh rips apart yet some more gun stupidity where the Violence Policy Center has made Alexander Hamilton their poster boy for handgun violence, like he was killed in a gang shooting crossfire or something. He fought a duel, you nitwits! Why is it when guns are involved that many people resort to the most twisted of logic? I always thought the main attack of a gun was to fire a bullet, but, apparently, it also has the power to turn some people into drooling idiots.

One Messed Up Chick

I first started reading The Guardian after September 11th, and, if I needed a straw man to argue against, there seems to be no better source than their columnists. Every once in a while, there is something intelligent there worth reading, but most of the time it’s like staring at a car wreck. Today’s column by Polly Toynbee is one such example. It’s yet another “religion is the source of all that’s bad in the world” spiel prompted by the refusing of “secularists” (admittedly a nicer sounding term than the ‘a’ word) to help make something called the Thought of the Day for some radio station. My favorite line from her fanatical rant is “The Pope kills millions through his reckless spreading of Aids.” Who knew such an old man could get around like that? I guess that should quell any argument about him being so feeble he must retire. The other great line is how she argues the proof that morality is inherent in everyone is a child crying out, “Unfair!” Well, that is the liberal motto… and arguably my most hated term of all. Fair and Unfair are the bastard, in and out of juvee children of Just and Unjust, cried by ninnies who want things their way irregardless of others. Anyone who takes whining as a sign of morality is a scary person indeed.

Step Out of Line, and There Will Be Some Turbulence

The Senate has voted 87-6 to arm pilots. Yay guns! Even Hollings, who’s an ass, voted for it. It’s just nice to see such universal support for a measure involving guns; it’s as if almost all the Senators were thinking rationally. Now I just wonder if we can get a universal conceal and carry bill passed through.