Link of the Day

Rand Simberg points out a serious and moving column by Dave Barry about Flight 93 and adds his own thoughts to it.

Canada Does Completely Suck

I was justing thinking how great it was that there are a few other countries out there sensible enough to back us, but then I find our local-Europeans, the Canadians, won’t support our attack on Iraq. How can they be such losers when they’re so close to America all the time; you think we’d rub off on them more than the European ninnies across the pond. Of course, it’s not like they have to worry because they know we’re right here and will stop any attacks, those ungreatful, hockey-playing bastards. But I guess I shouldn’t expect anything more from them; if I remember history right (and I don’t), at the dawn of our new nation, we banished all those who were too big of a loser to be a part of our kick ass country to the barren lands of Canada where they would surely die either from the cold or by being eaten by the meese. Unfortunately, they somehow survived, and many became hilarious comedians. The best ones moved here, still leaving the lands of Canada populated by those too big of a reject to be Americans.

All Other Countries Don’t Completely Suck

It’s always concerned me that pretty much no other country than the U.S. is for a war against Iraq. What this says to me – and to any logical person – is that all other countries are a bunch of pathetic, whiny losers. What the hell is wrong with them? I know, you’re probably saying, “Frank, don’t be concerned with what other countries think; they suck and we don’t need them for anything.” This is true, but it would improve my faith in humanity if just a few more weren’t cowardly naysayers. Luckily, Tony Blair comes along and starts talking so sensibly that you’d think he is an American. From reading The Guardian, I got this idea that the British were a bunch of crumpet eating pansies, but luckily that’s far from the truth. Now no one else can say, “The whole world is against invading Iraq.” It’s the whole world minus Britain, biatch!