Kicking Ass Elsewhere for the Weekend

I’m going to a martial arts clinic in Orlando this weekend (sometimes guns jam; then what do you do?), so the distribution of free IMAO brand ice cream will most likely cease until Monday. And, since I just made the free ice cream reference, I’m finally adding Lileks to my blogroll. Anyone heard of him before?

Link of the Day

Hawkgirl is back to blogging and reveals that geeks can be vengeful creatures if angered. And how can someone not like curry?

Best Scheme Yet

I have to applaud Microsoft’s new scheme to get people to pay them for upgrades; they really had to think about it ahead of time. They built a horrible security hole into Microsoft Word, keep it secret for years, then suddenly have it revealed when they need to spur upgrade sales (they are only repairing the problem for the most recent version). Pure evil genius.

Warning to Criminals

I have just received my concealed weapons permit in the mail today, so let it be a warning to all criminals out there in Florida or in the states that reciprocate its permit (which I may visit at some point) that there is yet another armed citizen out there. Your next mugging could be your last!

Then again, how many violent criminals read blogs? Actually, if one started one, he might fill an interesting niche.

A Plea to God

Please, God, no more of this. 1,800 votes just suddenly found? Come on, what’s that about? For my sanity, I need this to be over. I’ve been a good Catholic. I’m nice to people. I feed the homeless and shelter the hungry. I’ve never killed a hobo. What else do You want from me? Do I have the wrong religion, because I’ll switch. I’ll even try that one where you get bitten by snakes; to be honest, I’ve sorta suspected that was the one true faith. And I’m sorry I asked Your son to hit Reno with a bus; that was out of line, and it won’t happen again. All I want is for McBride to have enough of a margin of victory that a recount isn’t triggered, okay? You see, I’m one of the good ones; I understand how voting problems are just Your way to cancel out the votes of stupid people. I won’t try and prevent it and instead will cherish it as great part of our democracy. So, is it now good between us? (or is that “Us”?)

Suicide Bombings Can Bring Peace

I always thought the Palestinians were some the dumbest people on earth to think that suicide bombings would bring them any better outcome than Israel dropping the beat down on them, but I’ve started to see how they can work towards the goal of peace. A bomb has exploded in a Gaza home killing a number of terrorists working on it; if there are a number of more suicide bombings like that, then I think there will be peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Mother of All Dumbasses

According to the Drudge Report, Iraq’s new strategy is to also threaten Israel. So, they already have the most powerful nation in the world gunning for them, so they decide to then pester the only other civilized nation out there who isn’t afraid of conflict? People make fun of a lot of the countries in the middle east because they haven’t made any advancements in like anything for the past few hundred years, but they do seem to be making headway on becoming the leaders on ways to commit suicide.

Benevolent America Talks to Other Countries

Bush, as part of his compassionate conservatism, told our reasons why we wanted a war with Iraq to the U.N. as if any other countries mattered in the decision. Some may think we set a bad precedent which will lead to other countries feeling they can give us their opinions on other things as well, but I think Bush had his heart in the right place. He explained things very carefully to them and talked to them almost like they were adults. Some of the things were probably scary for these other countries to hear, such as how Iraq has continued development of weapons of mass destruction, but I think many of the countries in attendance were mature enough to hear it. A good indication of that was how there were few incidents when milk and cookies were served afterwards. France whined it’s cookie didn’t have many chocolate chips in it, and then started crying when Germany said something to him, but, other than that, it was a relatively quiet affair. Talk of war, though, left most countries too stimulated for nap time.