Link of the Day

Mr. Misha sets the record straight on how America became blessed with Texas. Early on in my life, my family almost moved to Texas, but wound up in New Jersey instead. I guess it gave me character.

Funny Because It’s True

I’m watching Tremors III on USA, and these killer monster worms are attacking this small town once again. So the townsfolk, now experienced with dealing with them (it is the second sequel), get a posse together to go hunt and kill them. Except this time, suddenly the Feds show up to stop them because they’d be violating the endangered species act. Definitely not a plot point you’d see in a 50’s monster movie.

Also, it’s cool to have a movie where the main hero is a right-wing gun-nut.

Big Finale

Israel still hasn’t crushed the office Arafat is trapped in. I guess the reason they are taking so long is that they are setting up from some sort of big finale. My idea is an implosion/explosion. First they set off charges causing the building to collapse in on itself into a pile of rubble. Then, just as the rubble is about to settle, some other explosives below the base are set off which sends all the debris flying outward. Might make confirming the bodies kinda hard, but it’ll be cool to watch!

Should Do Well in Latin America

Mel Gibson wants to make a movie about Jesus and have it in two ancient languages – Latin and Aramaic – with no subtitles. I think this is a good idea. I had Latin in high school, and there wasn’t very much interesting stuff out there to translate. The Romans, despite killing lots of people, never made any movies. This one guy Virgil wrote this epic called Aeneid, but he didn’t really ever finish it, and, frankly, it does need some editing (those guys need to lay off the semicolons). So more cool stuff in Latin would have made class more interesting, and watching a movie, any movie, is usually better than the regular work. Hopefully schools won’t get scared away from it because it involves Jesus; some people don’t like religious stuff like that though I thought everyone liked Jesus. He was real nice guy to everyone and he never lost his temper… well, except for that one time when he freaked out and started knocking over table in a temple (note to self: when asking, “What would Jesus do?” remember that the answer is sometimes “Freak out and knock over tables.”) Anyway, when they show the movie here, I hope they leave enough lights on in the theater so I can read my Latin dictionary and perhaps understand every eighth word or so (“He said ‘es’, that means he’s telling that guy ‘you are’ something.”).