Link of the Day

Joanne Jacobs discusses how Japan is changing its rigid system of education to try and be more like America’s failing schools. Make sure to check out the comments sections for some first hand accounts of the Japanese education system. I usually think copying America is one of the best ideas any country can have, but perhaps they’d do better emulating other things than our schools.

What Color is the Sky in this Alternate Universe?

France saved our schoolchildren in the Ivory Coast… by using force. When I first saw the news report, I thought I was watching an episode of Sliders. I feel ashamed that France bailed us out, but I guess there is no reason. They just acted quickly and decisively as any good country should have, but usually as only America ever would. I guess France has decided not to compete with Germany for most cowardly nation and instead go the other route. So, how do I say this… uh… oh yeah…

Thank you, France.

It looks grammatically correct, but why does it seem so odd?

So What If Democrat’s Aren’t Interested in the Security of the American People? I’m Not Interested in Their Security

Daschle is having a hissy fit because Bush stated the obvious that, “Democrats are not interested in the security of the American people.” I can sympathize, as this whole fighting terrorism stuff is sure inconvenient for Democrats during the election cycle. When the issue is important stuff like national security and keeping America safe from murderers, Republicans are trusted more. Democrats, on the other hand, are much more trusted with piddling crap. People think that Democrats are too whiny and touchy-feely to kill bad people when needed but are just whiny enough to get them cheaper prescriptions and free stuff. Problem is, when the focus is important things like wars, people don’t give a rats ass about saving a few cents on Prozac, so the Democrats need to keep the focus away from the war. Is this the same as not being interested in the security of the American people? Yes, but it’s not fair to point that out. If the Democrats were all really interested in keeping people safe from terrorists, then they’d all have to resign and appoint competent Republicans in their place (competent = not like Hagel), and that’s expecting a little too much of them.

Kids These Days

A Berkeley study shows that teenagers are more conservative on average than their parents. The results of the poll were that teenagers were more in favor of federal funding of faith based charities, school prayer, and restrictions on abortion than adults even though so many of them dress like stupid punks. This is a good thing, but the article doesn’t seem to say why this happened. Was it just a result of simple teenage rebellion?

“My parents are always like, ‘Let’s abort everybody and not pray,’ but I’m not like my parents.”
“Yeah, parents are so stupid and tend towards left-wing positions on social issues. Let’s go hang out at the mall.”