Links of the Day

Andrea Harris discusses the traitors Jim McDermott and David Bonoir. I say string them up soon as they reach the states and then let The Children™ hit their dangling bodies with sticks. If you think that is too harsh, the sticks can be padded with foam. Andrea also reveals her sordid, Democrat-voting past.

Also, Spoons wonders if the fact that only a few hundred grams – not 33 pounds as first thought – of uranium was seized in Turkey means more danger, not less.

Carrying a Firearm is Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

As long as its still possible to get attacked by a tiger while just strolling through Illinois, I think that’s all the argument one needs for the necessity of carrying a firearm.

Crazy Glasses Wearing Man

I was just watching that video of Daschle freaking out at how Bush pointed out how he doesn’t care about the security of the American people. He starts totally freaking out, flailing his arms wildly while exclaiming, “Outrageous! Outrageous!” Then, he quickly snatches the glasses off his face and immediately calms down saying almost somberly, “He should apologize.” So what’s with the glasses? Is that like his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformation? Are they laced with LSD and cause psychosis when with contact to the skin? The American people need to know.

We Still Have Unions? I Thought We Crushed Them All

Unions are afraid of getting blame for nothing happening on homeland security since they are so closely associated with the Democrats who, if I recall correctly, recently released a statement saying, “We aren’t concerned with the security of the American people. Screw the American people.” Unions, on the other hand, want to just focus all their unconcern at the well being of American industry and the long term welfare of American workers, but the president has been blaming them for holding up homeland security bills. One objection the unions raised is that they don’t want Custom Service workers to have to give their home phone numbers to their employer. Now I was unaware you could get a job anywhere without giving your boss your phone number, so this seems wacky at first, but then I thought about it a little more. I’ve seen The Sopranos; I know what union people are like. Why in the world should they have to give their phone number to their employer when the FBI should already be tapping their phone line? That does seem a bit silly.

Now, I’m not against unions. When employees used to be whipped regularly and locked in dungeons, then a union was probably helpful to say, “No. That bad.” But, now all unions seem to do is try to convince workers they are essential while all the union bosses are really concerned about is making themselves fatter and filled with cigar smoke. Oh, and one more thing: please don’t hurt me.