License to Whup Ass

God do I hate globalization protestors. Yesterday they caused a bunch of trouble, and today we all know they’ll cause more. So why can’t we preemptively strike these idiots? I know, I know, people have a right to free speech and protest, so we can’t hurt them before they actually do something. But we all know they’re going to do something, so why can’t the police go to a judge, show him the past history of these dumbass protestors, and get a beating permit. Next we trick the protestors into thinking the World Bank and IMF meetings are down some dark alleyway. Then the police surround them and beat them like red-headed stepchildren. Now, don’t take me out of context; I don’t mean they should be beat within an inch of their lives. They should just be each given a few whomps to the head to knock the bad thinking out. Of course, as happens with anything effective America may do, other world leaders may protest what we’ve done. We then tell them we’re really sorry and we’ve decided to have a big meeting with other countries to discuss it. Next we trick them into thinking the meeting is down some dark alleyway and then – POW! – we knock the European sensibilities out of them. We do this enough times, we’ll have world peace!

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