Most of This Post is Made Up… I Think

New Jersey Senator Torricelli took time off from embezzling to say people shouldn’t just focus on the war but be more vigilant of the economy as well. “As families across the nation sit down at their kitchen tables today, conversation is just as likely to turn to the mounting threats to our economic security,” he stated, though he has been too busy scrounging for illegal campaign contributions to talk to his own family in months. He gained this knowledge by illegally spying on New Jersey families looking for information he could use to black mail votes out of them. “For the first time in eight years, the number of Americans living in poverty is growing, while the middle class is shrinking,” he added, pausing to stare at a woman pushing a stroller nearby, barely resisting the urge to throw the child into traffic. Finishing his statements, he suddenly jumped into a Porsche with David Chang and sped towards Mexico. Soon after, police cars were seen in hot pursuit. His current whereabouts are unknown. If you see him, quickly notify the police. He is considered to be armed and fairly liberal, so approach with caution.

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