Shameless Self-Promotion

I have decided to add to the left sidebar more quotes of people who said nice things about my site. I bet many people come here and don’t know if they like the site or not, but then they’ll see all the smart people who like my site and thus decide to like it too. Everyone wants to be smart.

Also, I noticed that Michael of the site has nominated me as one of the three funniest bloggers (brainy-redneck… I like that). This was a smart thing to do. The other two are Natalie Solent and my arch-nemesis, Scott Ott of Scrappleface. Damn you, Scott Ott!

Has anyone thought of making some official blogging awards, like the “Bloggies” or something? I think this is a good idea; I should get a Bloggie for coming up with it.

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