There Weren’t as Many Protestors as There Used to Be, and Now There’s Less

2,500 hundred protestors marched in front of Dick Cheney’s residence on Sunday, blaming him for the push towards war. Now I heard that Cheney was trying to take a nap at the time, so he was royally pissed when all the whining idiots woke him up. The protestors didn’t even see him coming as they just stood there chanting, “No blood for oil!” just barely turning in time to see Cheney flying towards them crying, “Blood!!!” They stood there like deer caught in the headlights as he dived tackled three protestors at once and then proceeded to pummel five more until he started feeling some pains in his chest. Then he knocked down and beat the crap out of two more of them before calling it a night.

And what’s with the protestors still using “No Blood for Oil” slogans? Update: we don’t care about oil. Those bastards in the Middle East killed are people and are plotting to kill more; what we want is their blood. I guess “No Blood for Blood” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it, though.

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