Links of the Day

Tomorrow I get the keys to my house and then all this weekend its moving time. That, combined with having to move my computer and get it set up on a cable modem again, means there will be little blogging this weekend. I really wanted to be a contender for Most Blood-Hungry Blog, but I’m too far behind in the polls at this point anyway. You readers are useless; don’t make me get new ones.
Anyway, to the links. Laurence Simon has his tips for a happy Halloween, the sick bastard. Plus, he has put up the new addition of the Daily Funnies.
Joshua Ferguson explains why Halloween is a Democrat’s idea.
Rand Simberg has the Democrat’s sequel to the Bruce Willis hit The Sixth Sense (image only seems to work when you view it on his main page).
Emperor Misha I, who had a surge in the polls today, gives his reasons why he should be voted the Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry blogger, and they are pretty hard to argue with.
Finally, as compensation to not doing well in Bill Quick’s contest, I got mentioned by Warblogger Watch. I should probably put up a warning on my site saying: “May be too intense for idiotarian viewers.”

This Better Be My Last Post About the Existence of Iraq

I’ve been really busy as of late (actually, there is a ton of other stuff I should be doing right now rather than blogging) and thus I haven’t been able to follow the news as closely. I stopped by the CIA World Fact Book today, though, and, listed right there between Iran and Ireland, was Iraq.

It’s still there? What gives?

Bush got his approval for war, so why haven’t we marched in there and annihilated all the bastards? I don’t get it. It’s not because of all these distractions like North Korea having nukes, is it? There will be plenty of time left to raze them after we’ve had our way with Iraq.

Oh, wait, we’re not actually waiting on the U.N., are we? If we are, I remember reading this Tom Clancy novel where some guys held the U.N. hostage; why don’t we do that. Their building is right here in New York, so it’s not like we have to go anywhere to do it. What we do is have our special forces storm the building and hold everyone in there at gunpoint. You just know those weenies will be falling over each other to be the first to cave into our demands. First, we’ll have them approve our war with Iraq. Then, we’ll make them sign a declaration that Gerhard Schroeder is a little girl. Finally, we make them give us a “blank check” war approval, approving war for a country to be filled in later.

Then again, holding them hostage at gunpoint could be taken as meaning their opinion matters, thus giving them the attention they crave. Damn, diplomacy is hard.

I Have Arrived!

I noticed a number of hits from Instapundit today, but not a deluge like a quick mention from Glenn Reynolds usually brings. So, I went to investigate and, lo and behold, I have a permalink on his page. I thought there would be a huge ceremony where one is presented with their Instapundit permalink, but instead it just appeared overnight as if it were always there. Perhaps it was always there. Perhaps Glenn Reynolds had foresaw my blog and had placed the link there even before I had started blogging, the link waiting there until I was finally ready. Such is the mystery that is Instapundit.
I am not so mysterious. I’m getting ready to update my blog roll and wonder if anyone else would like to be added and thus also become eligible for my prestigious Links of the Day. The cost is that you have to have a link to me on your page and then give me one human soul (doesn’t need to be yours). Most important, though, is to e-mail me.

I Could Come Up With a Better Title if I Were More Devious

I just saw a new McBride commercial against Jeb Bush. In it, they say that Jeb Bush has “devious plans” for the amendment to limit class size in Florida. And, guess what, they have evidence that Jeb Bush has said devious plans. On a secret tape they obtained at the expense of many Democrats’ lives, Bush proclaims quote, “I have devious plans.” Wow! Devious plans so devious that they cannot be described by the devious Jeb Bush as anything other than devious plans! Think of the nightmare of deviousness if Jeb Bush is reelected!
Joanne Jacobs, who knows infinitely more about education issues than I, points out that McBride is yet another person against standardized tests for teachers and instead wants to reward schools that produce dumb kids with more money. I wonder if he’s in the pocket of the NEA? That would be devious!
At first, I was just really happy that Reno would not be my governor, but, now that I’m over that euphoria, I really don’t want McBride either. So, if you’re a Floridian, make sure to vote on… oh, crap, I better find out when that day is.

Ode to Violence

Despite a whispering campaign against me, I am still going to campaign for Daily Pundit’s title of Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry (remember, you get five votes). So, to that end, I have now posted an ode to violence itself. You will all read it.

Links of the Day

Man, I’ve been busy lately. Spent all day working yesterday, and then spent all night at Best Buy which ain’t as much fun when you’re there to pick out a washer and dryer. Anyway, here’s a whole bunch of great links since I missed doing this yesterday.
Rachel Lucas rips into the Wellstone memorial spectacle not once, but twice. But, are Republicans just as bad? Check out Daily Pundit for the debate. Plus John Hawkins scours the Democratic Underground for their opinions so you don’t have to get your own hands dirty.
Bob Owen, who’s from Minnesota, fisks an idiot criticizing the computer game America’s Army. Man, is our military cool. Not only do they kill evil foreigners, but they now also give us free computer games.
Mrs. du Toit explains an atheist Christmas.
Emperor Misha I speaks for us in his open letter to the Russian people.
Spoons believes Ted Rall is a pedophile monkey-lover. I think we should kill Ted Rall in a plane accident just like we did Wellstone.
Finally, Joshua Martin of Empire of Man goes Montanan Democrat to try and keep me out of the running for Daily Pundit’s coveted title of Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry Blogger, of which he is currently leading in votes. Who could believe that something so noble like a contest for who is most blood thirsty could cause us all to turn against each other?

Democrats Feast Upon the Dead

The Democrats turned Wellstone’s funeral into a political rally, as it is a surprise to no one they would use death as a political advantage. If they were hungry, they would probably also think nothing of eating Wellstone. Let this be a message to those in the Democratic party: if you are starting to lag in the polls, they will kill you. They did it to Carnahan, they did it to Wellstone, and they will do it to anyone else if they think it will help, as it is a much cleaner operation than that whole Torricelli mess.
So, you’re probably thinking, “I’m a Democrat behind in the polls. What do I do?” You re-register as Republican and then you run. You run like you’ve never ran before. You then find a safe place to hide and arm yourself. And, if you hear someone nearby bemoaning tax cuts for the rich, you load that shotgun and you better shoot to kill, because they will.

You’re So Vain, You Probably Think This Post is About You

Carnival of the Vanities is up. See the blogosphere’s best posts courtesy Bigwig.

Obey Your Thirst

Bill Quick is having a vote for most blood thirsty blog.
Laurence Simon put up a list of some of his most blood thirsty posts, so here our mine from the past month.
I coined the term “Red-Dot Diplomacy” and offered to kill Saddam at a discount rate.
I said I’d vote for any Democrat who would bitch slap Al Gore.
I suggested using the leaflets we drop on Iraqis as a means to kill them.
I called for the severe beating of North Korean Diplomats (this was before we found out they had nukes).
I appealed to trite sentiment to get us moving on attacking Iraq.
I suggested using a nuclear weapon to assassinate Saddam.
I said we should use missile defense to hold the world hostage.
I said it was okay to kill any Socialists.
My reaction to North Korea having nuclear weapons was to suggest random bombings.
I said we should invade Europe before invading Iraq.
I mused about Bush murdering the Chinese and North Korean dictators.

Also, the Report Said that North Korea is Complying with the Agreed Framework

According the CIA, Al Qaeda is an effective fund-raiser, getting tons of money from mosques, Islamic charities, and in-duh-viduals. Apparently, they’re throwing bake sales and holding “Dunk the Iman” and “Throw a Pie at the Blind Cleric” events and plenty of Muslim nutsos are more than happy to help fund Al Qaeda attacking us. Am I being too persecutory of the Muslims if I want to know exactly how many of them are at least somewhat sympathetic of terrorists, especially how many of the Muslims in our country think that way? And, then, am I being un-Christian to want those people thoroughly beaten within an inch of their lives and to offer my help in the said beatings?
Other interesting parts of the report say that, while Al Qaeda is capable of cyberattacks, the biggest threat is from a group called Aleph in Japan. I guess that’s not too surprising, though I haven’t felt threatened by the Japanese since the 80’s (remember when we thought they would eat us alive economically? I still get some good laughs out of that one).
Also, the report pretty much says that all the big regimes in the Middle East could be suddenly toppled by extremists, including the Saudi monarchy under Clown Prince Abdallah, plus it says Iran is trying to get nuclear weapons. Maybe Walter Cronkite is right, we are heading towards World War III. Except, it’s against all these pathetic loser countries that prospects of a war with will be more entertaining than threatening, and our only challenge will be dealing with Europe whining in our ear. Maybe, instead of being known as WWIII, it could be called the Third-World War.

Links of the Day

Blogging will probably be very sparse for a week or so since I’m really busy at work and I’m getting prepared for my move into my own little piece of the American Dream. Luckily, there are other blogs to read. Kim du Toit gives advice to Muslim extremists on how to destroy American cities. BTW, in reference to his post, I do care about getting an Instapundit permalink. How does one go about getting one? I’ll change some core beliefs if I need to (two at most).
Icchan wonders what leads to things like the shooting in Tuscon, AZ (his permalink isn’t working; what I’m talking about is his Oct. 28th entry). All I have to say is that I play plenty of violent videogames and I hardly ever kill anyone.

Islam Means “Throw Rocks”

Hundreds of Muslim thugs clashed with police who were taking Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Ba’asyir for questioning. What’s it with Islam and mindless violence? I still haven’t sat down and read the Koran (didn’t he fight Godzilla?), so I don’t know if purposeless violence is prescribed by it, but it seems that many Muslims love to engage in actions that do nothing else than enforce the image that they are stupid and violent. Like rock throwing; you’re not going to topple governments or defeat soldiers by throwing rocks, but you will let them know that your mental processes are comparable to a monkey.
They took Ba’asyir from a hospital; it seems like every Muslim cleric who supports violence is either blind or ailing. Maybe it’s supposed to be a sign from God, and they just don’t get it:
“Allah wishes us to kill all the infidels, my Muslim brothers and sisters. If I do not truly speak in His name, may He strike me down as I stand… Ahh! I’m suddenly blind… for unrelated reasons.”
Then I read this (the link to the story no longer seems to work, so I’m linking to its mention in Instapundit; he could use the traffic) about how Jemaah Islamiyah has plans to create an Islamic superstate including Indonesia, Australia, and parts of Asia. These guys are just completely cuckoo for cocoa puffs. We could maybe be threatened by them if they had some sense of reality, but, instead, they are completely, entirely, tinfoil hat wearing, The Nation subscribing, consuming entire cans of Crisco, Guardian editorial writer, burning monkeys at the stake for being heretics, Democratic Underground nuts. I love it how they’re just taking Ba’asyir in for questioning and you have some guy with a “We are not terrorists” sign next to people chanting “We are ready to die.” Well, guess what, we are ready to kill you, so I think we can work out a deal here.

Links of the Day

I’m watching the last game of the World Series. I’m not sure whom to root for. All I know is that I don’t like California and I want them to lose. Anyway, I’ve been getting tardy about this “Link of the Day” thing (since become “Links of the Day” since I’m so indecisive), but here is some stuff to check out.
Mean Mr. Mustard has a great photo round-up of anti-war protestors in D.C. Don’t read anything else on his site, though; it’s all crap.
Laurence Simon analyzes the Moscow theater terrorism and its aftermath. Also, check out Bill Quick’s site for his opinion as well as everyone else’s (anyone who’s anyone in the blogosphere post comments on DailyPundit).
Come to think of it, don’t check out those other sites. Only read mine.

Computer Game Review: Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

I just finished playing Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, and it is one great game. In it, you play a hitman who has sneak in and kill people in a variety of great locales. I didn’t play the first one, but, apparently, in the end he reformed his hitman ways and became Catholic. I think this is great, because one thing videogames need is more Catholic role models. He is soon drawn back into the world of killer for higher, though, which makes a more interesting game experience than Catholic gardener. The basic game play is to scope out each area and find a way to quietly kill your mark. The goal is to do it without killing anyone else or alerting people to your presence. To help you in this, you can use chloroform to disable someone and steal his clothes as a disguise. If you don’t feel so nice, you can also quietly take him out with fiber wire or a silenced pistol. But what happens, you ask, if you are discovered dragging a dead body? Does that mean you have to start over? No, because Hitman 2 is an open playing experience, and, if your original plan is foiled, you just go to plan B, also known as dual 1911’s. While getting in and killing your mark without alerting anyone keeps people from testifying to your presence, so does killing every last person in the vicinity. Start by capping the person unlucky enough to discover you, hitting him with two .45 bullets at once and sending him flying back twenty feet (it’s unrealistic, but I forgive). Other guards will be alerted; kill them too. Then proceed to slowly walk the area (you can run, but I find it cooler if you walk in a slow, methodic pace) killing every last person. As long as you also kill your mark, this counts as beating the level. At the end, you get a rating based on your stealth versus aggressiveness. All stealth and only killing your target gets you the coveted “silent assassin” rating. On the other end of the scale, waking into a building lobby Matrix style armed with an M60, an Uzi, a Desert Eagle, and a sawn off earns you the “mass murderer” rating. But hey, whatever gets the job done.
What I liked: Open ended playing experience, rag-doll physics for dead bodies, good voice work, large selection of weapons (which you keep in a shack by the monastery and makes for a great finale when they come after you on your home turf), and getting to kill someone who looks exactly like Osama bin Laden.
What I didn’t like: There was only one level with sword wielding ninjas; that’s not enough ninjas for a satisfying play experience. Also, in one level, you get to snipe a target in a limousine with a .50 BMG rifle. He’s surrounded by U.N. peacekeepers, and, if you “accidentally” kill one, you lose the level. Finally, the hitman is very bald. I mean, I’d be okay with it if he were so-so bald, but he is uber-bald. You will never see someone this bald again in your life. I can’t believe he doesn’t get detected while in disguise, because you’d think everyone would be pointing at him and saying, “Wow, that man is profoundly bald!” Maybe the reason he is bald has to do with polygon counts or something; I’m not a 3D videogame programmer, so I don’t know. Let’s hope in the next sequel they let him wear a wig or a baseball cap.


I was just watching CNN Late Edition, and Wolf Blitzer was questioning Charles Moose and others about phone calls the sniper said he made to the police that were ignored. Charles Moose came right back at him and pointed out how the sniper said he made a phone call to CNN and asked why they hadn’t been told about that. Wolf Blitzer was visibly flustered. It was pretty cool.