Rest of the World Don’t Mean Jack

According to this New York Times article, Iraq seems to believe the rest of the world is on its side. Even if that is true, does he really think it makes a difference? We’re America; we can kick the rest of the world’s ass if we want to. If we really want to kill Saddam, we’ll first raze all of Europe if we have to. We’ll bomb Peru and invade Egypt if that’s what we need to do. Hell, we’ll turn the rest of the world into smoldering ruins before finally attacking Iraq if that’s what it takes. And they all know that, so, though they might talk big against us, when we get our war machine up and running they’ll get the hell out of the way. What country could be so suicidal as to actually oppose us? Other than Iraq, I mean.

Perhaps Grimace Got Disgruntled

There was a bombing at a McDonalds in Moscow. Though one might think terrorism, but the investigator says it could be from a rival restaurant. Apparently, someone spotted the Taco Bell Chihuahua fleeing the scene. It should be known, though, that the Taco Bell Chihuahua is a radical Islamist and fervently anti-American, so terrorism shouldn’t be ruled out.