Also, the Report Said that North Korea is Complying with the Agreed Framework

According the CIA, Al Qaeda is an effective fund-raiser, getting tons of money from mosques, Islamic charities, and in-duh-viduals. Apparently, they’re throwing bake sales and holding “Dunk the Iman” and “Throw a Pie at the Blind Cleric” events and plenty of Muslim nutsos are more than happy to help fund Al Qaeda attacking us. Am I being too persecutory of the Muslims if I want to know exactly how many of them are at least somewhat sympathetic of terrorists, especially how many of the Muslims in our country think that way? And, then, am I being un-Christian to want those people thoroughly beaten within an inch of their lives and to offer my help in the said beatings?
Other interesting parts of the report say that, while Al Qaeda is capable of cyberattacks, the biggest threat is from a group called Aleph in Japan. I guess that’s not too surprising, though I haven’t felt threatened by the Japanese since the 80’s (remember when we thought they would eat us alive economically? I still get some good laughs out of that one).
Also, the report pretty much says that all the big regimes in the Middle East could be suddenly toppled by extremists, including the Saudi monarchy under Clown Prince Abdallah, plus it says Iran is trying to get nuclear weapons. Maybe Walter Cronkite is right, we are heading towards World War III. Except, it’s against all these pathetic loser countries that prospects of a war with will be more entertaining than threatening, and our only challenge will be dealing with Europe whining in our ear. Maybe, instead of being known as WWIII, it could be called the Third-World War.