Ask Dumb Questions…

Has everyone seen this CBS-New York Times poll yet? Was this a poll of crack smokers on their opinions of Iraq? It reads like a Democrat’s dream: people don’t think we should preemptively strike, think we should wait for allies, think there should be more talk of the economy, and think that an attack on Iraq will lead to more terrorism and a broader war in the Middle East. Of course a majority does want military force to remove Saddam, so, if the poll is to be believed (it isn’t), some people want more terrorism and a larger war against all the Arabs.
I’ve had this idea for polls for a while that I think would make them more informative: include basic knowledge questions along with the opinion questions so we can get a better idea of who has these dumb ideas.
“People who placed Iraq in South America were much more likely to oppose a war.”
“Respondents who correctly answered the question, ‘Who is the Secretary of Defense?’ sided more with Bush on the issues. Those who answered the question with audible drooling were most critical of Bush.”
“Those polled who identified their hobbies as eating bananas while swinging from trees tended to side more with the Democrats on Iraq.”


  1. On Fox News last night Brit Hume discussed the poll. He said the headline was wrong. The New York Times LIE!??! EGADS!
    Anyway, it seems that the actual poll didn’t correspond to their headlines. It wasn’t simply a skew or a close call, the headlines were dead wrong.
    The reality was that people DID support the war on Iraq and DID think the president was correctly spending his time on the WoT.
    NYT Motto: Never let the data get in the way of a good headline.

  2. George bush is the smartest supid man in america he has us all fooled see the truth is (as I see it) he actually has hussein and bin laden captured he just isnt going to come out tht they are captured until about election time.. after all it will make him look better.. am i wrong that the whole country is being buffaloed by the stupidist man alive?

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