First the North Koreans, Now Al Gore

Gore says we should have a stronger defense against bioterrorism, but you should hear the way he said it.

“I was a bit bitter when you denied me the presidency which is rightfully mine, but I won’t hold it against you, the American people. Oh, and by the way, you might want to strengthen your defense against bioterrorism… though it will be too late! Muh ha ha ha!”

I’m starting to believe that Al Gore is actually the supervillian Tree-Man that the police have been warning about. He looks like a man, but he has the powers and personality of a tree. Police caution that he is an extreme psychopath and should not be voted for under any circumstances.
Okay, I didn’t read the above article, but it was about Al Gore. What are the chances there would have been any important information in it?

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