Frank Saves the Democrats

Gore now gave another tirade on the economy, and you can almost hear all the top Democrats cringing. The guy is such dead weight and completely unelectable now, but he’ll probably win the primary in 2004 because the Democrats’ base is total firck’n idiots. Hey, the Democrats dug their own grave when they decided that was the kind of people they were going to court. Sure drooling morons are great for mobilizing in the general election (even thought a good number of them disenfranchise themselves by going at a punch ballot like a hyperactive monkey), but the Democrats could really use open primaries so that Republicans can save them from themselves like they did with McKinney. The other option is the Torricelli bait and switch, but you have to get the candidate to take himself off the ballot, and Gore is so much a loon that he could be 80 percentage point behind and he’ll still be convinced he’ll win. So what options are left for the Democrats? Simple, discredit Gore in a way even the stupid can understand. Next time Gore gives a speech, one of the other Democratic hopefuls should walk up to him right in the middle of it and bitch slap him. Who’s going to vote for Gore after he’s been bitch slapped in front of everyone? And the Democrat who does it will look like a real leader. Hell, I’ll switch party registration myself and vote for him. Yeah, you heard me right, and I’ll honor that even if it’s Daschle who does the deed. Not Hillary, though; I assume she’s already done it before, anyway.

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