Grand Reopening

I have moved; tell everyone! I have now settled down at If you are wondering what those letters stand for, “us” stands for United States, which, in my arrogant opinon, are the best states of all.
Opinons on the new layout are appreciated. A special thanks to Rachel Lucas who not only guided me through the set up, but made me the new logo. If you don’t already read her site, then you’re some sort of idiot and I hate you.

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  1. Well, Ken, you are First Commentamator of the Empire, and we all know what happens to Citizens who don’t follow The Law, now don’t we? Yes we do, of course we do [bwahahahahhh]… OK, ’nuff Evil Laughing™.
    Anyway, I’m glad to see you made it so early, Ken, so we all could get to start commentamating.
    Frank! Your new digs are fit for an Emp… Erm… an Imperial Governor! Truly smashing looking and it is with no small amount of Imperial Satisfaction that I see another one of my favorite blogs move throw off the yoke of Blogspot.
    Congratulations on the move! (And there was much rejoicing, and feasting on the lamb… And breakfast cereal… And orangutans…)

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