I’m Strong to the Finish, ‘Cause I Drinks Me Guinness; I’m Frank J. the Blogging Man (toot) (toot)

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has threatened to boycott Guinness if Ireland doesn’t join the EU (thanks to Amish Tech Support for the Link). This seems like a hollow threat, because I can’t imagine a EUnik drinking Guinness on account of it being a man’s beer. That dark, black liquid would be too scary for the average whiny European; a Frenchman would probably surrender if a pint were placed in front of him. And what does Ireland need from the EU anyway when they already have Guinness? Just ask yourself what would you rather have…

…close association with all European countries or a pint of Guinness?
…a stable, widely accepted currency or a pint of Guinness?
…national security or a pint of Guinness?
…the respect and admiration of France or a half ounce of Guinness?

I think the answer to each of those is pretty obvious, and it’s not alcoholism – it’s national pride!


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