Just in Case You Forgot: Other Countries Are Stupid

I tried hating the Germans for a change, but it just didn’t work out. I’m going back to hating the goddamn frogs. This poll in France had Israel ranked as the second biggest threat to world peace. Surprisingly, it was Iraq ranked number one and not America (perhaps they were too scared to list us). Rounding out the top five were Syria, Iran, and bathing daily. The French have some of the most screwed up values; I’d let a shoplifting eight year old sermonize me before a Frenchman (is that an oxymoron?). I hear the poll results had a significant margin of error, though, as many of the French, upon hearing the names of all the scary countries to choose from, ended up surrendering to the pollster instead of answering the question.
Also, though Tony Blair has been cool lately, I must point out that a lot of Brits are still idiots. Apparently this conversation happened in London at some point:
“We’ve banned handguns and now crime has gone up. I wonder why that happened?”
“I know! We forgot to ban replica guns!”
“Cheerio! Let’s ban replica guns and then have tea and crumpets!”
Yeah, they tried banning fake guns. They’re getting killed with real ones, and they’re worried about replica firearms! The Home Office decided that the legislation was too complicated so it got shelved, but what about the legislation being one of the most retarded ideas man has ever conceived? God, that is pathetic. I remember a debate in Britain over whether the police should be able to carry tasers. It’s like they all want to be killed by criminals. Luckily we have some sense here in America; if someone tried to take my replica gun or taser, I’d shoot them – and I don’t even have a replica gun or a taser. That’s just how much more freedom we have here in America.


  1. No, the Snatch scene will be even more believable. I mean, after guns were outlawed it became easier for criminals to get them. So when replica guns are outlawed, criminals will have even more of ’em and citizens will be even more screwed.

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