Links of the Day

Man, I’ve been busy lately. Spent all day working yesterday, and then spent all night at Best Buy which ain’t as much fun when you’re there to pick out a washer and dryer. Anyway, here’s a whole bunch of great links since I missed doing this yesterday.
Rachel Lucas rips into the Wellstone memorial spectacle not once, but twice. But, are Republicans just as bad? Check out Daily Pundit for the debate. Plus John Hawkins scours the Democratic Underground for their opinions so you don’t have to get your own hands dirty.
Bob Owen, who’s from Minnesota, fisks an idiot criticizing the computer game America’s Army. Man, is our military cool. Not only do they kill evil foreigners, but they now also give us free computer games.
Mrs. du Toit explains an atheist Christmas.
Emperor Misha I speaks for us in his open letter to the Russian people.
Spoons believes Ted Rall is a pedophile monkey-lover. I think we should kill Ted Rall in a plane accident just like we did Wellstone.
Finally, Joshua Martin of Empire of Man goes Montanan Democrat to try and keep me out of the running for Daily Pundit’s coveted title of Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry Blogger, of which he is currently leading in votes. Who could believe that something so noble like a contest for who is most blood thirsty could cause us all to turn against each other?

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