Links of the Day

Lot’s of good reading today. Here’s just a little bit of what was worthwhile today.
My arch-nemesis Scrappleface reports on Democrats’ worst fears.
Laurence Simon has now banned the Irish and dogs from his website. I, personally, could never ban the Irish because they made Guinness (plus I’m half Mick myself… and that’s the funny half). And, if any dogs have been able to surf to my site, I want to tell you that you’re a good, good boy. Who wants a treat?
There are two things in this world you can never have too much of: love and ammo. In celebration of that, Kim du Toit and Mrs. du Toit have started National Ammo Day. On November 19th, make sure to go out and buy 100 rounds of ammunition in support of the 2nd Amendment.
Finally, Rachel Lucas, who is better than any of you deserve and I am deeply indebted to for her help in setting up my new site, slowly and carefully explains guns to stupid people.

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