Obey Your Thirst

Bill Quick is having a vote for most blood thirsty blog.
Laurence Simon put up a list of some of his most blood thirsty posts, so here our mine from the past month.
I coined the term “Red-Dot Diplomacy” and offered to kill Saddam at a discount rate.
I said I’d vote for any Democrat who would bitch slap Al Gore.
I suggested using the leaflets we drop on Iraqis as a means to kill them.
I called for the severe beating of North Korean Diplomats (this was before we found out they had nukes).
I appealed to trite sentiment to get us moving on attacking Iraq.
I suggested using a nuclear weapon to assassinate Saddam.
I said we should use missile defense to hold the world hostage.
I said it was okay to kill any Socialists.
My reaction to North Korea having nuclear weapons was to suggest random bombings.
I said we should invade Europe before invading Iraq.
I mused about Bush murdering the Chinese and North Korean dictators.

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  1. That was actually hilarious. Especially the one about assassinating Saddam with a nuke.
    I once had an idea, as punishment for the captured terrorists in Gitmo, a method of the death penalty that would really scare the hell out of them. You just dump them all on some useless pacific island, along with a bunch of pork chops (muslims think pork is evil) and then just hit them with an ICBM. Expensive, but it gets a point across more effectively than simple hanging or firing squad.

  2. I say we will tell North Korea that if they do not immediately surrender. We will destroy them in hours by dropping thousands of fuel airbombs on their military locations and including government facilities in Poynyang. Free N. Korea!
    And 37,000 service men can come home!

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