Ode to Violence

Despite a whispering campaign against me, I am still going to campaign for Daily Pundit’s title of Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry (remember, you get five votes). So, to that end, I have now posted an ode to violence itself. You will all read it.

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  1. Frank,
    I just read ‘These things I believe’ and just want to say ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. I hope that’s enough dittos. I’m too lazy to go back and double check the number of ‘things’. I kind of have to agree with the guy who said you are not that bloodthirsty, and definitely agree that you are f—— funny but I hope he’s just kidding about you being light in the loafers. I told my wife she should marry you it I die.
    I’ve been wandering around the bloggerdome for a few days and if your site was an IPO, I’d buy it. Undiscovered, but not for long. I’d also ‘short’ Vodka Pundit. You’re only getting 80 hits a day? That guy writes “hey, it’s snowing” and 150 people feel compelled to comment.
    Keep it coming

  2. Sans,
    Thanks for the support. I am working my way up in the hits, though. Everyone, make sure you tell your friends that IMAO is the place to be!
    I took four years of Latin in high school myself, and I need to start translating stuff or I’m not going to remember anything.
    Apparently I do need a more manly banner as Joshua seems to think this one gives off a gay vibe. Maybe you can have it match my dreamy blue eyes 🙂

  3. Frank,
    I graduated from high school over 25 years ago, and I’m amazed at how much Latin has stuck with me. Granted, I’d be hard put to translate long passages, but I still remember the meanings, conjugations, and declensions of most of the words I encounter.
    Now, if the Catholic Church would start saying Latin Mass again, it would sure help us remember Latin, wouldn’t it? 🙂

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