Palestinian Creativity

The Palestinians don’t seem to have much going for them. They live under an oppressive dictator and make things worse with violence, so they don’t ever seem to achieve much. There is one thing, though, they seem to excel at: getting killed by Israelis. Think about it; how many Irishmen have you heard been killed by Israelis? How many Eskimos? How many Brazilians? Pretty much none. Even the innovative Japanese can’t seem to get themselves killed by Israelis. And Americans, who usually excel at everything, are so far behind the Palestinians on getting killed by Israelis that they don’t even register. Even today, Palestinians were able to get thirteen of themselves killed by trying to harbor terrorists. Of course, harboring terrorists is just one way Palestinians get themselves killed by Israelis. Here are some of their other creative ways:
*Charging a bunch of Israeli troops with on AK-47.
*Trying to blow one’s self up.
*Trying to run blockades.
*Camping out in other places in Arafat’s compound than where Arafat himself is.
And finally, my favorite:
*Throwing rocks at people with automatic rifles in their hands.
The last one really is especially good. Usually, throwing a rock at someone with an automatic rifle is not a great idea (think: what’s the best possible outcome of that situation), but, when trying to get oneself killed by Israelis, it uses very little resources. Admittedly, they probably adapted that technique from that one tribe who was especially adept at getting killed by tigers. What they would do is carefully approach a sleeping tiger and then poke him with a small sharp stick. I forget the name of that tribe, though; I believe they died out a long long time ago.


  1. “getting themselves killed”. Try this headline. How Palestinians are the main target of Israeli terrorists. I think that works. Why rocks? Well, consider they are not so heavily funded by the US, like Israel. Ooopsie. They fight with everything they have, and if they have nothing, they would rather die throwing a rock, than stand there and do nothing. I respect a man who fights long and hard, albeit badly, than a man who runs away. Name me one war the Israelis ever won, without US help. Not even against Hitler. US to the rescue!!! Brave Israel for killing people only armed with rocks! Nice. That’s bravery.

  2. Dear blank,
    I don’t know if you have ever watched the news or studied history, but if you have then you should be aware of the fact that the Palastinians are the ones who started the fighting and are also the ones who are using terrorist tactics. As for the Israelis never winning wars without the US, read the bible. Perhaps you don’t believe the bible, but smart people do (such as Frank and myself) and that’s what counts. I guess you could say that those battles don’t count because they had God on their side. So what? I guess it just means you shouldn’t piss off the people that He’s going to help. No wonder the Palastinians keep getting their butts kicked.
    A Rational Thinker

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