Red Dot Diplomacy

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Ari Fleischer mentioned in a press conference how things would be cheaper and easier if Saddam were just assassinated. Now that’s good policy to me: We don’t like someone, we kill the mo’fo’. Why go into some full scale war when its just one bastard we don’t like? It’s so simple, of course the Euro-weenies will throw a hissy-fit if we do it; I’m almost convinced they like things complicated with lots of people dying. You’re probably now saying, “Well, then let’s assassinate the whole lot of them. That will teach them to be European.” Yes, but, when you assassinate lots of people, it kinda loses its charm. The more compassionate idea is to just freak the hell out of them. When we want to assassinate some evil dictator, we wait until inevitably a European leader goes to appease him, and blow the dictators brains out just as they’re shaking hands. That will put the fear of God in them, and, more to the point, the fear of America.

Anyway, when the U.S. government gets serious on this assassinate Saddam thing, they have my e-mail. My rates for heads of state are a bit higher, but I will give a patriotic discount. Frank’s gots to eat, though, and he likes the prime rib.

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