The Democrats Have Been Domesticated, Now They Need to be House Trained

It looks like the Democrats, despite their firm stance against the security of the American people, will authorize war against Iraq. Daschle says he’ll vote for the resolution, but only after trying to make it more to his liking. Now, I’m no master negotiator, but admitting he’s going to vote for it anyway probably won’t give him much leverage to change it. The Democrats have pretty much just caved in to pressure since they are now perceived as being a bunch of anti-war, peacenik hippies by everyone since everyone has eyes in their head. Democrats find all the loud noises, explosions, and moral resolve that are involved in a war quite scary, and they just want a simple life of scaring the elderly. That’s why they can’t help but be weasely with their support of the war, and thus we get statements from Sen. Bob Graham like, “If we don’t handle this carefully, including doing our domestic law enforcement as well as our foreign policy, that we could face a significant increase in incidents of terrorism inside the United States.” So, what should be the Republicans’ response to the Democrats if there is another act of terrorism and they blame it on Bush’s push for war? I think it should be kicking the Democrats in the nuts. They do it enough times, the Democrats will learn to stop making that point. Some may say that’s not a way to conduct reasoned debate. That can be answered by staring menacingly at those people for a few seconds.


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