This Better Be My Last Post About the Existence of Iraq

I’ve been really busy as of late (actually, there is a ton of other stuff I should be doing right now rather than blogging) and thus I haven’t been able to follow the news as closely. I stopped by the CIA World Fact Book today, though, and, listed right there between Iran and Ireland, was Iraq.

It’s still there? What gives?

Bush got his approval for war, so why haven’t we marched in there and annihilated all the bastards? I don’t get it. It’s not because of all these distractions like North Korea having nukes, is it? There will be plenty of time left to raze them after we’ve had our way with Iraq.

Oh, wait, we’re not actually waiting on the U.N., are we? If we are, I remember reading this Tom Clancy novel where some guys held the U.N. hostage; why don’t we do that. Their building is right here in New York, so it’s not like we have to go anywhere to do it. What we do is have our special forces storm the building and hold everyone in there at gunpoint. You just know those weenies will be falling over each other to be the first to cave into our demands. First, we’ll have them approve our war with Iraq. Then, we’ll make them sign a declaration that Gerhard Schroeder is a little girl. Finally, we make them give us a “blank check” war approval, approving war for a country to be filled in later.

Then again, holding them hostage at gunpoint could be taken as meaning their opinion matters, thus giving them the attention they crave. Damn, diplomacy is hard.

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  1. The source you checked was the CIA? They could be lying, you know, we’re just pretending we haven’t alredy nuked the place so that we can clean it up before the UN arms inspectors get there. Also, they could just be so incompetent that Iraq ceased to exist and they missed the story. Try not to be so pessimistic.

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