We Used to Be Able to Shoot Dead Anyone Who Tried to Steal Our Money

I finally saw that flash movie from the Democrats that’s been causing quite a stir. It starts off with some hippy who I guess is supposed to be some cool young adult like in those “Truth” ads that always stir me to violent thoughts. Bush promptly kills him. This reminds me why I voted for Bush: he’ll kill hippies without even a moment’s thought. Bush then kills an old person. Is this supposed to be an ad against killing hippies and old people? No, it’s about social security. That’s where the Democrats steal our money for supposedly our own good and do God knows what with it – though I’m sure Satan does his best to keep even God from finding out about it (Satan is a left-of-center Democrat). In the good old days, people who stole our money like that would be hung next to horse thieves, but today they are elected by dumb people. And we get pretty much no return on this stolen money, or, for a young’n like me, I’ll probably never see it again.
Bye bye, money. I miss you.
Sorry, I got emotional for a second. So Bush has proposed giving people the choice… no, I hate that word now… the option of investing some of their money. According to the flash ad, Democrats equate having some control in the investment of your stolen money with killing old people. Is this because Democrats are:
A. Stupid
B. Evil
C. Stupid, evil, and goddamn dirty Communists.
The answer, of course, is C. This is why, for the sake of our country, we must chase away all Democrats until the two major parties are just the Republicans and the Libertarians (who can easily be identified by their blue skin; I always thought Smurfs were Communists, but I guess I was wrong). Then we’ll attack whatever country the Democrats fled to (probably France) and force them to pay tribute to us. We’ll use this money for Americans’ retirement. Now, there’s a social security plan I’ll buy into.

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