What We Need is a Schizophrenic Foreign Policy

Bush has decided to give diplomacy another try with dealing with Iraq. I guess he was intimidated by Iraq receiving 100% of the vote from a 100% turnout. To me, I would think that means we would have to kill all the Iraqis, because they are all now complicit.
I believe diplomacy means they will take another shot at killing Saddam in his sleep and making it look like a heart attack. Or maybe they’ll make his mustache fall off in public so that he must commit honorable suicide as is the custom in whatever region Iraq is in. I’m just afraid that, by going back to diplomacy, we’ll make Saddam think we’re not serious. The best solution would then be to invade France thus giving us two votes on the U.N. Security Council as I’m sure is dictated by the U.N. charter which I have never read nor heard reference to. Here’s the catch: we’ll use France’s vote to vote against the use of force! At the same time, we’ll cruise missile a random palace in Iraq. This we’ll show Saddam that we’re so serious about using force in Iraq that we’ll defy the U.N. even when that means defying ourselves. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Saddam!

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