Moving Heavy Things Makes Frank Tired

Both I and my computer are both sitting on the floor in my new digs right now. I just came on the internet to see if my cable modem is working and if anything major has happened. I haven’t been on the internet or seen the news for about 24 hours now, so I don’t know anything new to blog about. I guess I could just talk about the same old same old like how we should kill the Palestinians and the Iraqis and the hippies, but, for all I know, they finally took my advice and did kill them all.
I found out that Empire of Man is offering to give me all his votes in Daily Pundit’s Most Hawkish and Blood-Hungry contest, plus makes a good argument of why I should win. He has a great idea there, and I think everyone else should give me their votes too so then I can be a contender. It’s a bit of a dirty trick, but, hell, the contest is for most blood-hungry. So, if you have a good number of votes, but it doesn’t look like you will win, tell Bill Quick you want to give all your votes to me. Together we can all be winners… but especially me.
UPDATE: I just found out that, while I wasn’t paying attention to the news, Bill Clinton snuck down here into Florida. I’m sorry I let that happen. Any other Florida bloggers wish to join me in a posse to chase him back out of the state?