It’s Monday and I’m Angry

The Saudis say we can’t use their bases for an attack; let’s kill them. Sorry, I don’t have anything clever to say, I’m just tired of hearing about the Saudis and thus want them dead. Let’s have our troops drag out all the princes into the street and shoot them. Let’s kill their children too, just to make sure we’re done with these people. And let’s hang their pet monkeys as well (heh heh, look at him struggle not to get hung; he thinks he’s people).
Sure, the world will complain about how we’re being “hegemonic” – whatever the hell that mean. So here’s the catch, let’s then tell them, “Come to think of it, we don’t want to use these bases.” Everyone will ask why we killed the Sauds, so we’ll answer ominously, “Because they were there.” Then we’ll leave Saudi Arabia, but first we’ll set fire to the oil fields while all of us in the states convert to solar power just to prove this wasn’t about oil but instead was pure and simple American vengeance.