Happy Days Are Here Again

I believe the edict that all non-Republicans will be rounded up and sent to re-education camps will come within the next twenty-four hours. To all those affected, have fun at camp! Man, the people at the Democratic Underground must be squealing like pigs right now.
The only interesting election I voted in was Jeb Bush versus McBride, and it’s not like my vote mattered since Jeb kicked that guy’s ass. That’s a good thing, because I don’t like it when Democrat’s win. They want to take my money and give it to poor people and children, and I hate poor people and children and like my money.
The other things I got to vote on were a bunch of amendments to the Florida constitution. If I didn’t know much about it, I voted “No,” since I decided to be against amending the constitution all willy-nilly. One even mentioned pregnant pigs in it, and, regardless of the merits, I don’t want the phrase “pregnant pigs” in the constitution. Another was something about Miami-Dade’s name; I really didn’t understand it or care. That made me wish that, in addition to the “Yes” and “No” choices, I had an “I don’t give a rat’s ass” oval to fill in. I’ll have to propose that as an amendment next election.
BTW, Carnival of the Vanities 7 is now up. I didn’t submit this time since I hadn’t blogged much to submit. Hope to change that soon.