New Agenda

So, now that Republicans rule the land like Saudi princes, what should be on their agenda? Here are my suggestions:
*New Tax Cuts: I want more money. Cut my taxes!
*Hippie Punching Act: Make beating up hippies a protected form of speech.
*Environmentalists “Piss Off” Act: Make if official government policy, that, whenever environmentalists complain about something, we tell them to piss off.
*Guns! Guns! Guns! Act: Guns everywhere! No limitations on carry. Only nuclear weapons will be defined as “assault weapons.” To help the poor, food stamps can now be exchanged for ammo.
*More Tax Cuts: Good try, but you didn’t cut taxes enough the first time. Please try again.
*We Hate the French Resolution: Just as English is the language of America though not officially stated as such, hating the French is the stance of the American people though it is not officially written anywhere. Let’s make it official.
*Hollywood Promise Keeping Act: All people who said they would leave America if Bush were elected will now be deported.
*Let’s Bomb Everyone Act: Every week, new country gets bombed. That will keep them on their toes.
*Reestablish The Committee on Un-American Activities: There are still Commies out there who are not dead. That is wrong.
*Invade San Francisco: We need to invade and recapture San Francisco, changing the regime to one more friendly to America. Must be careful of collateral damage because some good bloggers live there.
*Still More Tax Cuts: Is there anyway I could pay no taxes?
If you have any other ideas, put them in the comments. If they are really good, they will be… uh… read.