North Korea: No Respect

I have to admit, it is kind of funny how, when Iraq claims to not have WMD’s, we’re jumping all over them and threatening war, but, when North Korea says it has nuclear weapons, we’re like, “Sure you do, North Korea. We believe you, and we’re all really scared and threatened too. We have just one question before we start making concessions to you: what kind of cardboard did you use to make your missile.” And then we point and laugh at North Korea’s funny looking dictator, who starts screaming, “I do to have nuclear missiles! I will kill all you evil imperialists! And then I will… Hey! Stop watching The Simpsons! Be threatened by me!”
North Korea seems to be the most pathetic remaining Communist country. I mean, at least I’ve actually heard of people visiting Vietnam. Even if North Korea has nuclear weapons, they’re people are probably so starving that they don’t even have enough energy to push the button. Still, they act just like the French trying to pretend they’re of some importance in the world. When they found out we had them on a list for nuclear preemptive strikes, they proclaimed we had declared war on them and would respond in kind. Yeah, if we actually had declared war on them, they’d be making their next press release through an ouiji board. I mean, how long could an invasion of North Korea take? An afternoon? They’d all surrender first chance they got so they could get some food. Just bring a box of chicken wings from KFC and I think we could have a bloodless coup.