He Has a Koran; Don’t Make Any Sudden Movements!

The rioting in Nigeria would be funny if it weren’t for so many people being killed. One guy makes a mild statement about Mohammed – one that’s meant as a compliment – and the Muslims in Nigeria act like hornets who had their nest shaken – really murdeous and dumb hornets, I mean (I don’t want to insult all the decent hornets out there). I swear, if I see one person commenting on this saying that “Islam means peace,” I’m going to hunt him down and smack him.
Anyway, a comment I read in this article caught my eye. The President of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo, said, “The beauty queens should not feel that they are the cause of the violence. It could happen at any time irresponsible journalism is committed against Islam.”
My first reaction was to ridicule him, because basically he was saying that Muslims are such a bunch of murderous retards that one writing an article would have to expect a riot like this. Then, thinking about it more, I wondered if he is right. Have years of these people being exposed to idiotic teachings by their “religious” leaders corrupted their brains so much that one can’t expect them to show simple human decency and reason? Perhaps encountering a Muslim should be treated like encountering a dangerous animal; avoid eye contact and speak in a soft tone so as not to upset it. Maybe it’s safer to leave one’s child alone with a pit bull instead of alone with a believer of Islam because those Muslims can suddenly snap at any moment.
All I know is that we don’t have Muslims rioting in America and burning down churches, and God knows we wouldn’t put up with that crap. Hell, despite a few sleeper cells, I bet America has the nicest Muslims in the world; then again, America is the best at everything worth being good at.

The Best Solutions Are the Simplest Ones

North Korea has declared the 1994 agreement “void” since we have cut off shipments of fuel oil to them since they violated the 1994 agreement by making nuclear weapons because they thought we were mean to them.
Just nuke them.
Come on, why the hell should America have to deal with this crap? We got nukes, so let’s use them. We have more important things to deal with than diplomacy with a dictatorship that makes four year olds look like rational actors. And it’s not like we’re going to miss all of North Korea’s excellent exports. Actually, the more I think about it, there isn’t one good reason not to nuke them. They’re potentially volatile and of no use to us, so they are the perfect candidate for a nuclear strike. Plus, we already have nukes, so it won’t cost us a thing. If other countries don’t like our assertive foreign policy approach, Bush can blame it on them.
“I wanted to come up with a diplomatic solution, but you people are always making fun of the way I speak and I just got too nervous to talk with North Korea. Only option left was a tactical nuclear strike… did I say ‘nuclear’ right?”
And, if they really start complaining, we can remind those weren’t our only nukes.