Finding Terrorists Too Scary, Canadians Attack Frank

I know many of you come to IMAO to hear the opinion of a real American on the important issues of today, but do you ever wonder what a Canadian thinks? No, it’s never crossed my mind either, but Glenn from Canada left this comment to a previous post (comment is slightly edited to remove objectionable content and for fun):

Why doesn’t America bomb the f–k out of the whole word and get it over with, eh … cause then your desire to kill will mean you will have to kill Americans. and you will do it. and wouldn’t that be a treat, eh? oh, i’m sorry, you already do kill each other on a daily basis. my thanks to the beltway sniper for all the laughs. one suggestion though for the future, don’t kill american adults, kill the children so they won’t breed, eh.

He then repeated his comment in French as required by law.
Now, though I have wrote a short history of Canada, I’m no expert on Canadians. I’m not even really sure where their country is; I mean, they’re never in the news or seemed particularly significant, so I never bothered to learn anything about them. I believe it’s a squalid dictatorship like many countries that aren’t kick ass like the U.S., and the people are thus fed anti-Americanism to distract them from their own problems. Bombing them would only feed into this anti-Americanism, but any other solution would involve not bombing them and I just don’t think that’s morally right.
Incidentally, I just read Jonah Goldberg’s cover article of the latest National Review which is all about how Canada is completely useless and that invading them would do them some good. Everyone should give it a look-see, especially Glenn.


  1. Actually, Glenn has stumbled onto something. Let’s just bomb the rest of the world, not Australia of course, well maybe the Foster’s breweries, or the Brits, but the rest of them, ***k it, let’s light them up. Could we like have a freebie ticket to Europe on some pretext or another for all the creepy libs(we’d know to stay here)? Or maybe California and Massachusetts gotta go too. MM

  2. Comments such as your own disturb me somewhat. If they are any indication of the intelligence of the average American, then I will have to rethink my sympathy regarding the September 11 attacks. This kind of ignorance of yours will only fuel anger; do not be surprised when it happens again, my friend.

  3. I read your comments again; and again shake my head with dissapointment. True, Canada may not be the military power that the U.S. is. We would rather put our tax dollars into education and health care. Yes, I know; how un-American we are in our civility. But don’t forget that Canadian soldiers were there fighting side by side with Americans in Afghanistan. You see; we have priniciples. And the more I think of it; yes, Bush is a Moron. Most of Europe and yes, many Americans would even agree.

  4. I am a Canadian who has lived (and worked) on both sides of the border. It might just be that we both have more important issues, i.e. Osama & Co., than this. Not trying to play conciliator here but let’s set our sights on the right f***ing target, no?

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