Happy Days Are Here Again

I believe the edict that all non-Republicans will be rounded up and sent to re-education camps will come within the next twenty-four hours. To all those affected, have fun at camp! Man, the people at the Democratic Underground must be squealing like pigs right now.
The only interesting election I voted in was Jeb Bush versus McBride, and it’s not like my vote mattered since Jeb kicked that guy’s ass. That’s a good thing, because I don’t like it when Democrat’s win. They want to take my money and give it to poor people and children, and I hate poor people and children and like my money.
The other things I got to vote on were a bunch of amendments to the Florida constitution. If I didn’t know much about it, I voted “No,” since I decided to be against amending the constitution all willy-nilly. One even mentioned pregnant pigs in it, and, regardless of the merits, I don’t want the phrase “pregnant pigs” in the constitution. Another was something about Miami-Dade’s name; I really didn’t understand it or care. That made me wish that, in addition to the “Yes” and “No” choices, I had an “I don’t give a rat’s ass” oval to fill in. I’ll have to propose that as an amendment next election.
BTW, Carnival of the Vanities 7 is now up. I didn’t submit this time since I hadn’t blogged much to submit. Hope to change that soon.

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  1. But here in the People’s Republic of Kalifornia we have a full complement of jackasses.
    The only upside is that Grayout has had his dreams of national office snuffed like an Islamofascist in Yemen.

  2. I cannot possibly adequately express the joy I am feeling today. I live in Minnesota. Coleman won! Thank you Democrats for putting on such a show at the Wellstone memorial/rally. Your behavior disgusted so many that the result was a high voter turnout in which the proper candidate won. I will be doing my happy dance all day long.

  3. Joe foo’,
    That’s funny, because last election I voted in Pennsylvania. Do I have to cancel registration with old states (maybe I’m still registered in PA). I guess you could have used my registration for dirty tricks, but it’s not like the Republicans need that to win in Idaho. Anyway, since I just switched addresses over the weekend, I need to register again.
    California is the only thing that really upset me (well, maybe Jersey too, but I’ve pretty much written off that state). Hopefully Arnold can set everything straight in 2004.
    I think Minnesota was one of the biggest surprises, because I expected the Democrats to win that race like they did in Jersey. A happy dance is certainly called for, unlike what they did in the Wellstone “memorial.”

  4. With great interest I read your suggestion that we use our beloved Army to round up the traitorous donks into cages. Now I happen to live in a cage and am much appreciative of the protection it affords me. Cages are too good for them. I have an idea, and stick with me because I think you’ll like where I’m going with it.
    When fighting the evil Nazi wolves, the bears put their most seditious into ‘penal battalions.’ Those poor freedom-loving souls inherited missions like speed minefield-clearing and infantry-v-armor charges.
    At some point in this war we will need cannon fodder. Could we kill two birds (hawks, preferably) with one stone? I think you know where I am going with this–

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