In My World: “Rumsfeld: Iraqi ‘Bastards’ Will Be Nuked”

Rumsfeld said that if the United States goes to war over weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, the American military would move to “finish it fast.” When asked to clarify what that means, he said, “We’re going to nuke the bastards.”
When asked by a reporter if that he meant they would use a nuclear strike against Iraq if WMD’s were used on U.S. troops, Rumsfeld replied, “We’ll probably claim that’s what happened when we nuke them just to calm the nancy boys in Europe, but I’m pretty set on nuking them no matter what. As soon as some Iraqi passes gas near one of our troops, we’ll cry ‘Biological warfare!’ and then nuke the bastards.”
He was then asked how they will minimize collateral damage, Rumsfeld immediately started laughing. “Minimize! I want to maximize it! I don’t like many of the countries near Iraq and am hoping we can spill some of the carnage into them and just tell them, ‘Oops, sorry about that one.’ Stupid bastards.”
When asked if he was concerned about many innocent people being killed, Rumsfeld stated that the U.S. position is of “complete unconcern” and that “all the bastards have it coming.”
“Won’t using nuclear weapons cause even greater problems by turning all civilized nations against the U.S.? It almost seems idiotic to settle on using nuclear weapons at this point.” said a hysterical reporter who was probably a Commie.
Rumsfeld look extremely perturbed to have his methods questioned. “Know what? I have a problem: my gun has too many bullets in it.” He then pulled out a luger and shot the reporter. “There; problem solved.”
The French ambassador to America – probably named Pierre – expressed displeasure at the Defense Secretary’s “combative” attitude. “We should at least wait until inspections are done before we talk about the possibility of discussing whether or not we will talk about putting war on the table as a possible but unlikely option.” The ambassador was then interrupted by automatic gunfire tearing through the embassy’s walls. A glance out the window showed that Rumsfeld was the gunman, Rumsfeld giving the startled ambassador the finger before speeding off in his Buick.
Soon after, Bush said he disagreed with Rumsfeld doing a drive-by-shooting of the French embassy, but said, “There is room for all sorts of opinions in my administration.”

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  1. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports on Germany’s defence minister’s recent reception at the Pentagon.You can get the whole story through,but here’s an excerpt.
    “Struck’s courtship visit was marked by coolness on the U.S. side. Struck was only accorded a “working visit” late Friday afternoon. And his optimistic tone hours after the encounter couldn’t erase the impression that he and Rumsfeld made right after their meeting in front of journalists. The host was not inclined to paper over the situation with diplomatic niceties. And when asked about National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice’s comment on the German-U.S. relationship being poisoned, he didn’t take the chance to rebutt it. When asked how he views the situation, he answered “unpoisoned.”
    His host’s bluntness put Struck in a quandary. While Rumsfeld was enjoying his play on words, Struck hardly knew how to hide his embarrassment. He tried by laughing and by making a gesture as if wanting to put his arms around his dear friend, Donald, but then he just dropped his arm, because he obviously realized how little he is entitled right now to do so. The situation is definitely not normal. It will take a while until that status is reached again.”

  2. I’ll have my sunglasses ready. Hey, wait just a dang minute… I remember reading about a new house, a washer dryer, some sort of new TV thingie, and now a digi cam? And you’re like 12!
    Which is it, the lottery or drug dealing? don’t try to tell me you make that in blog tips!

  3. I am ashamed and mortified that you would make fun of this worlds most blessed leaders, what will we do without those courageous men and women to lead us into our elder years…
    I am worried, worried I tell you…

  4. Reasons for war
    · Saddam Hussein has access to weapons of mass destruction. If we do not disarm his weapons, it could cause fatalness to the American country or even our own.
    · Also he has masses of Anthrax. If handed over to terrorist networks, a European disaster may occur. Once Saddam has been removed from IRAQ the terrorist threats will stop.
    · The majority of Saddam’s people are actually not 100% with him as recent IRAQI’S have shown. This is due to people fleeing the country and surrendering to British and American troops.
    · Iraqi people only work and fight for Saddam because they are scarred of the consequences if they don’t.
    · As shown a few days a go on television, most of the Iraqi people are evil. Supposedly a British or American troop fell out of an aircraft and the television crew displayed Iraqis shooting at the soldiers. We feed and take care etc of the captured troops of Iraq.

  5. I dont hate Arabs, I hate their backward, medieval hatemongering, women-enslaving culture, their twisted, hateful view of Christianity and Judaism (Religions which ironically, were around before Islam arrived). I would ask any Muslim, Consider the christians and jews who died before Muhammed arrived? Are those christians/jews damned in your religion along with the rest of us – or would they just be your infidel slaves?
    Isn’t logic a bitch?
    By the way, why do so many Muslims have zero tolerance for us in the mideast when we let practically anyone with dough come to our country, learn the latest science in our universities and then head on home to tell how horrible our country is and how we all hate you.
    Then some of them come back and kill themselves and us in spectacular fashion.
    You wonder why some of us really hate you.
    Here are two reasons.
    9/11, and suicide bombings. Whatever the motivation of your zealots, it resulted in one thing, a hell of a lot of americans are pissed off at the cultures which gave rise to the zealotry (read crusaders).
    Get a clue, you bastards. Why should we wait 50 years when all your countries have the bomb and your zealots are gleefully smuggling them into the west and blowing them up for jihad.
    What would your wonderful zealots do if the situation were reversed and arabs had the bomb 40 years ago. I’ll tell you – the middle east would be fine – the rest of the world would be full of craters by now and more than half the earth would be a wasteland. Perhaps then we would all have peace. those who survived would be muslim, and muslims wouldnt have to worry about ever competing thoughtfully with other religions.
    I know not all muslims feel that way but I have heard of polls in Muslim countries – based on them I can easily imagine 40% feel that way. Then you wonder why we seemed to be concerned when you start trying to build nukes.
    You say who can blame them, considering how you are oppressed and poorly educated. How is that our fault in middle america? Most of your countries lie within the cradle of civilization and are loaded with natural resources of strategic importance. Nothing is stopping your culture. Is our fault it is stagnant? Yes, stagnant. (ie no physical science or new technology to speak of). What has Arab science given us (in major discoveries) since the alphabet and damascus steel?) Improved body vests jam packed with explosives and improved detonators.
    Get a clue, everyone sooner or later is oppressed. The key is to rise above it and create “real” things, not pointless bureaucracy, religious wet dreams, self-centered religion, self-centered dictatorships and feudal satrapies like the middle east. Democracy might help, even if though it may be a bitter pill to swallow.
    I guess if you are depressed enough, it is easier just to strap on a bomb and explode.
    Build something so the middle east can contribute something to the physical sciences. Try to develop void energy (Do any of you even know what that is?) or something else which can help the world (like maybe a vaccine rather than a bio-weapon). Stop trying to kill each other as well as us. If your terrain cant supply enough food or water, may I dare suggest birth control and food research? Or would I be shot for suggesting that?
    Stop trying to condemn others for not following your “our way or the highway” religion. That attitude is why a lot of Americans hate Islam. We hate the intolerance far more than we hate the religion itself. We have this stupid idea that people can believe what they want to believe as long as it doesnt impede others from doing the same. Medieval and uncultured, isnt it?
    So, may I just say “Zealot Muslims suck”.
    All I know is, we have upwards of 6 Ohio class SSBN’s (always) at sea which are packing 20 missles with 160 Multiple Independent Warheads, each with 10-20 megaton warheads. That is just 1
    leg of our strategic triad.
    If the zealot bastards want to play chemical bingo or nuclear football with us, we are most definitely ready. Unfortunately many of the so called peaceful brethren muslims may have to then be “wiped” along with the zealots.
    I hope not. But if doing so saves my grandchildren, so be it.
    Nuff said’

  6. I dont hate Arabs, I hate their backward, medieval hatemongering, women-enslaving culture, their twisted, hateful view of Christianity and Judaism (Religions which ironically, were around before Islam arrived). I would ask any Muslim, Consider the christians and jews who died before Muhammed arrived? Are those christians/jews damned in your religion along with the rest of us – or would they just be your infidel slaves?
    Isn’t logic a bitch?
    By the way, why do so many Muslims have zero tolerance for us in the mideast when we let practically anyone with dough come to our country, learn the latest science in our universities and then head on home to tell how horrible our country is and how we all hate you.
    Then some of them come back and kill themselves and us in spectacular fashion.
    You wonder why some of us really hate you.
    Here are two reasons.
    9/11, and suicide bombings. Whatever the motivation of your zealots, it resulted in one thing, a hell of a lot of americans are pissed off at the cultures which gave rise to the zealotry (read crusaders).
    Get a clue, you bastards. Why should we wait 50 years when all your countries have the bomb and your zealots are gleefully smuggling them into the west and blowing them up for jihad.
    What would your wonderful zealots do if the situation were reversed and arabs had the bomb 40 years ago. I’ll tell you – the middle east would be fine – the rest of the world would be full of craters by now and more than half the earth would be a wasteland. Perhaps then we would all have peace. those who survived would be muslim, and muslims wouldnt have to worry about ever competing thoughtfully with other religions.
    I know not all muslims feel that way but I have heard of polls in Muslim countries – based on them I can easily imagine 40% feel that way. Then you wonder why we seemed to be concerned when you start trying to build nukes.
    You say who can blame them, considering how you are oppressed and poorly educated. How is that our fault in middle america? Most of your countries lie within the cradle of civilization and are loaded with natural resources of strategic importance. Nothing is stopping your culture. Is our fault it is stagnant? Yes, stagnant. (ie no physical science or new technology to speak of). What has Arab science given us (in major discoveries) since the alphabet and damascus steel?) Improved body vests jam packed with explosives and improved detonators.
    Get a clue, everyone sooner or later is oppressed. The key is to rise above it and create “real” things, not pointless bureaucracy, religious wet dreams, self-centered religion, self-centered dictatorships and feudal satrapies like the middle east. Democracy might help, even if though it may be a bitter pill to swallow.
    I guess if you are depressed enough, it is easier just to strap on a bomb and explode.
    Build something so the middle east can contribute something to the physical sciences. Try to develop void energy (Do any of you even know what that is?) or something else which can help the world (like maybe a vaccine rather than a bio-weapon). Stop trying to kill each other as well as us. If your terrain cant supply enough food or water, may I dare suggest birth control and food research? Or would I be shot for suggesting that?
    Stop trying to condemn others for not following your “our way or the highway” religion. That attitude is why a lot of Americans hate Islam. We hate the intolerance far more than we hate the religion itself. We have this stupid idea that people can believe what they want to believe as long as it doesnt impede others from doing the same. Medieval and uncultured, isnt it?
    So, may I just say “Zealot Muslims suck”.
    All I know is, we have upwards of 6 Ohio class SSBN’s (always) at sea which are packing 20 missles with 160 Multiple Independent Warheads, each with 10-20 megaton warheads. That is just 1
    leg of our strategic triad.
    If the zealot bastards want to play chemical bingo or nuclear football with us, we are most definitely ready. Unfortunately many of the so called peaceful brethren muslims may have to then be “wiped” along with the zealots.
    I hope not. But if doing so saves my grandchildren, so be it.
    Nuff said’

  7. simple solution, stay out of the the way of progress and live in a cave?. The ones that want a better life should decide what side they are on and fight for it and live like a real human! dont back track and throw that culture crap in the way for any reason! this means every one!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Beware of the stupid Americans who think that it is only the terriotist, or extremist, or radical or whatever muslims that hates you and your country. You better believe that they all hate you. I lived in Egypt and Saudi. I speak Arabic. This is what they are born into. This is what they are taught. I spoke with the people and lived with them. Yes, they are not only ignorant but also stupid and uneducated, and hateful, and do wish you dead. You should read the Koran sometime. It might wake you up to what is going on. You will see that islam is one f***ed up religion. muslims are a bigoted people intent to overrun the world. They hate Christians, Jews and anyone else that is not muslim. So when they move on your block do what is needed to expel them. Do what you have to to make them leave or otherwise one day your children will be bend over on their knees repeating a stupid muslim prayer while smelling the muslim ass that is in front of him. They should all go to hell, men, women and children. Destroy Islam The Stupid religion. From one who has been there.

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