Let’s Just Say I’ve Had Better Sodas

While the Vanilla Coke made sense to me, I couldn’t really see the point of combining berry flavors and Pepsi as they supposedly did for Pepsi Blue. Still, I consumed (most of) a 20 oz. bottle and was thus inspired to try out my marketing skills by coming up with some slogans for it:
“Disgusting… with a refreshing kick!”
“It’s like there’s a party in my mouth and everyone is vomiting.”
“Ever wonder why no one made a blue soda before? Now you know.”
“Not to be taken internally.”
“Four out of five people chose it over Windex in a blind taste test.”
“The taste that will make you envy the dead.”
“Might as well drink it all since disposal down the drain violates EPA regulations.”
“We don’t know how this got through marketing either.”
“Diet version is not available due to classification as a chemical weapon.”
“One sip and you’ll know there is no God.”

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  1. You are all crazy. Pepsi Blue is not bad. Granted its not great I do like it. Clear pepsi was awesome! I only wish they would bring it back with the same formula they used the first release. Pepsi Kona was the worst ever! does anyone remember Pepsi AM or even Josta? Josta was the best soda ever created right next to surge. Or what was that? Tropical breeze Pepsi? Yuck!

  2. I thought Pepsi Blue was decent. But then, I liked Pepsi Clear, and Pepsi One is infinitely better than any diet cola. Vanilla Pepsi is okay, but I’d rather have a cream soda.
    As for Coke v. Pepsi, I usually prefer Coke, but sometimes I get a taste for a Pepsi. Problem is, I must have drank too much rum & Pepsi in college, because now I can’t taste Pepsi without thinking it tastes like there’s rum in it!

  3. I think that in the whole Pepsi Vs. Coke, Pepsi wins. when I taste Vanilla coke, It leaves this nasty sticky feeling to my mouth. and it lasts for hours. When i taste Pepsi Vanilla, it’s crisp, fresh, and it always tastes cold (unlike coke, it always tastes warm).

  4. I’m angry with Pepsi because they discontinued the production of Josta to make Pepsi one…and we all know how successful that crap was. Josta was friggin awesome and 1 can had more caffine than about 6 cups of coffee. Maybe I was just addicted?

  5. Pepsi sucks, but I can never bring myself to drink coke either. This is due to my knowledge that “coca-cola” was named for having cocaine in it. So, I usually just drink water, or sprite or root beer.

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